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Member Since:Mar 04, 2003
0 MS Points
Am all sorts of -a-holic ;-) work being dominant factor. Got addicted to movies in hyd... hmm... literally having wheels under my feet.... bitten by the travel bug. Adventure Travel, JKRowling, Theatre, Cooking.
About Me
Education: BE
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Reviewed Buying a Digital Camera
There is much more to buying a digital camera than the camera itself. I myself brought one and broke the LCD and I dropped it and then realized the beautiful Read more...
5 Speed M800
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki 800
Got a 5 speed MPi 800, its almost 3.5 yrs now and has done over 65000 kms. All services being carried out at authorised service centres only. I admit itRead more...
I'm flabbergasted
Reviewed Gmail.com
The time for alarmism is over. Now all other email service providers pray to God and play the hand theyre dealt! Yo! received my gmail invitation few dRead more...
1 Giga Bytes!!!
Reviewed Shopping.Rediff
Just the view of things to come... Googles Gmail isnt even wide open yet and Yahoo added 100MB to free email account and now rediff 1GB.. Do you sRead more...
Extension of your inner self
Reviewed Nokia 3610
Summer loving had me a blast Summer loving happened so fast I brought a 3610 crazy for me It is cute as can be Tell me more Tell me more... At 5200 rupeRead more...
Dhoobi ka ku**a na ghar ka na...
Reviewed ICICI Bank Visa Credit Card
Yes!, I got one of those silver card. First of all I wanted Visa, they gave me Master. Then I realised their billing procedure... it was definitely differentRead more...
So why the new F2?
Reviewed TVS Suzuki Fiero F2
[03/12/2003] Am quoting some parts of article on Fiero F2 road test that appeared in Motorindia Nov 2003 issue with due respect to its authors & publisRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on pm150's review
Commented on pm150's review
Thanks for the write-up. I am currently in kitchen design. Still wondering if I should go ahead with them. The process so far has been good. A) Paid 1K to fix-up appt for measurement of flat. B) They did a site visit and took measurements. C) Did some designing at their store and finalised the Read More...
Commented on kumarvij's review
www.team-bhp.com/forum., You should provide your reviews on...
Rated on kull's review
Commented on kull's review
Hi, Rice review, Howz the car doing now ? I took a test drive. I felt the gear shift was poor. Other things match with your review.
Rated on gh77's review
Commented on sivakumarkm's review
can you plz elaborate on reclining rear seat of wagonR vxi ? I have never read about it in leaflets nor observed it at showroom
Commented on srirams77's review
I was in the dilemma of WagonR Vxi vs WagonR DUO, you review and further discussions cleard it for me.. am going for WagonR Vxi. Thanks.
Commented on maggu0's review
Do update your review with on how was your buying experience, pricing/bargaining, etc
Rated on maggu0's review
Commented on kanv02's review
Do you own one ? How is usage ? what do they actually mean by business features ? It looks same as 6681/6233/n70 for features wise
Commented on abhi_3m's review
Do you own this model ? Am looking for some user experience
Rated on rishinaughty2001's review
Commented on SUB_BOSS's review
Me planning to book swift, undecided on dealer in bangalore, can you tell us how much/what accessories you got from Mandovi ?
Commented on kkbros's review
Mandovi did 50 new car delivery on one day during Diwali, we were one of them and they made sure we had all the attention!!!
Commented on balakrishna.b's review
Did the alloy wheels come factory fitted ? what was the on=road price and how much discount did you get ?
Commented on abani_ranjan's review
How come you paid 515k ? Didn't you get the 20K + 20K discount ?
Commented on nimii's review
Nice review, I believe you have a Lxi from what i conclude the purchase price. Can you tell us more about your decision process that made you go for Lxi vs Vxi or higher model ?
Commented on ani7chat's review
2 months, I would have preferred to hear more about your experience with this car.
Rated on ani7chat's review
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