Initially...8250. Small, Slim and Blue lights. Great Phone
Later.....6610. Shapely, handy and smart. Excellent Piece.
Now.....6233. 3G phone, corporate subtle looks, simple to use, smaller in size (than the N series and Sony ericsson Boxes) and a real long runner. This phone is going to stay.
Arre bhaiya I am telling you....mark my words. 2 years later you will still find this as a top selling instrument in the market. Its got everything in a small packet. Looks good, simple yet stylish and has amazing speed on GPRS. I think I can challenge any other set on the download speed.
I bought this and I feel that I dont need anything else now. Its my Radio, MP3 Player, Messenger, Video Player, Search Engine, Sensor, mailbox, currency converter, Data transfer device.....and of course...a Phone.
The only grudge: 64 MB? Nokia people ...are you kidding? Please rethink on it. I had to get a 1GB card to keep things easier.