I bought this in July and have been using it regularly since then. Overall the mobile seems OK
The sound quality was good.
The battery life is good. I was able to get a talk time of at least 4 hours.
The phone has never crashed. (I have had some nightmarish experiences in the old XDA 1 & 2 with MS Windows Mobile 2002/3).
A bright and large display, with enough room to scribe, edit etc.
A decent range of application availability in the market
A working handwriting recognition software - although it takes a while to get used to it.
The camera is not up to mark. If you are taking a photograph in very bright daylight, you might just about feel OK about the picture. Cloudy conditions, indoors? Forget it.
The browser poses a few problems especially when I access Exchange based webmail sites. Installed Opera Mini and not using the one shipped.
No EDGE. Poor browsing experience.
The charging time was a bit long. It takes me about 2 hours to charge it completely from the midway mark.
Lack of bundled applications.
Non availability of a good-fitting leather case (although cheap crystals are available)
It is a tard less responsive at times
Seems a bit weird, not to have a OK or a cancel button when you have finished editing (lets say a contact). You have to hit the Back button and it gets saved!
Overall, the mobile is pretty decent (even considering my cribs), although I did feel that I did not get enough bang for my buck.