Food and Drinks: Roti with Dal Makhni, Schezwan Fried Rice, Pani Puri, Teachers 50
Books: Midnights Children, Dancing Wu Li Masters, Tao of Physics, You're Surely Joking Mr Feynman, Parallel
Movie Stars: Dustin Hoffman, Jack Nicholson, John Travolta, Julia Roberts, Mohan Lal, Sanjay Dutt, Deepika Paduko
Movies: Gattaca, Matrix, Being John Malkovich, As Good As It Gets, Good Will Hunting, Finding Forrester
T.V. Shows: Only Fools and Horses, Phoenix Nights, Deal or No Deal (UK), Office (UK)
Music: Metallica, Green Day, Linkin Park, Pink Floyd, Backstreet Boys,