Nokia, is a household name, no doubt about it. I have been using Nokia phones since the first nokia came to India. It is simply the bet, user friendly and if you are rich or poor, it has the phone for you.
7650 is actually the state of the art, I wonder if they can enhance this, I mean it has got everything a person can want in phone and a PDA. OK, it is a bit expensive, but, who says that good things in life come cheap. THEY DO NOT !!! Infact, if a person is opting for a PDA and a Mobile they should surely opt for this AWESOME phone. The camera is the best, the digital pictures are so easily clicked and transferred to the comp, a person need not buy a digital camera, infact this phone is a multi-utility phone. A Phone, camera, PDA and a Neighbours Envy.
If you have the money buy it.