I have used Nokia 9110 Communicator for around 1 year, and I must say it was good. Recently I have purchased the latest Nokia 9210 Communicatior, which by far, is the Best, ofcourse there are some hitches, but, since, we are here to talk about 9110, I will do just that.
It is a phone for a Out and Out Business Man. It has all the facilities a Business person can ask for. Now, for the features, Internet Browsing, it is very good, but, it is costly. You have to pay whatever your service provider charges for Outgoing charges. You have email, which is by far like using Hotmail or your Outlook Express. It has got folders and everything. Messages - Function is again very comfortable, the keys as you can see are very comfortable to us, which in turn makes typing a easy job, as compared to normal mobile phones. For messages you have folders and all, which is again very impresive. Fax - By far the best function you must have. You have to first subscribe to the Data facility, which is a little steep, but, worth it. Fax comes to the phone just likes it comes to the fax machine, either you view and discard, or else, you can connect the phone to the computer and get it printed out. While on the connecting subject you can also transfer your Data. Then we have the normal functions which all the phones have, but it is not good for people who do not want email, internet browsing, or fax, as it is very bulky.
One more thing, the speaker phone is the best I have seen or experienced so far.