I own this phone for last many months now and am really uncomfortable with it. More reasons for not to buy:
Takes too long time to turn ON (I think two minutes something)
No application/provision to keep store sensitive info (like passwords etc). In last model that I was having, there was something called wallet which I used to store sensitive info with password protection.
Freezes many times. While receiving phone calls it happened many times that the phone doesnt responds at all. Then I had to restart it (and that too by removing batteries and putting them back)
Called numbers are names need to be improved. I have stored number of my friend with his name. However, this phone never shown up his name when calling him or when I receive his calls. Call logs is major trouble with this model. Why it doesnt show me name and numbers I never understand
Useless facilities like "Voice Calls" "Video Calls" "PTT Options" "Printing Options" have been provided. But where is useful stuff? Is there any?
Call logger is pathetic. There is no quick way to see what number has called, it just displays names.
If same number calls twice, the software erases previous call time details and only shows last time of the call. Moreover it stores only 20 entries of outgoing calls !! and thats pathetic.
Camera is not quick. It takes ages to start camera. You cannot capture a quick moment (which is actually basic purpose why cellphone cameras are invented)
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