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Member Since:Jul 10, 2003
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Education: MCA
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Where is useful stuff Mr. Nokia ??
Reviewed Nokia E63
I own this phone for last many months now and am really uncomfortable with it. More reasons for not to buy: Takes too long time to turn ON (I think two minutRead more...
Best product for citizens underrated by netizens
Reviewed Pureit Water Purifier
I never understand why there are so many negative opinions about this product on net. I stay in Pune. A year back when I was planning to buy this, before buyiRead more...
Kekta: Are viewers fool or what ?
Reviewed Serials produced by Ekta Kapoor
Some one is shouting... another is screaming... an old lady is in shocked state.. theres person lying on bed with sleeping pills bottle near to him/her.Read more...
Beware of Shelter and Citibank
Reviewed Citibank
Might be for my sins in the life, I came across Citibank ( the worst ever bank in the world ) twice in my life. First time when I opened my NRI account and seRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on Dhruv396's review
I’ve been using this 22’’ monitor (SP2208WFP) for more than one and half year now. Its great one with inbuilt webcam, mic, usb ports etc. However, only drawback I found is when I turn off monitor, it turns off its USB ports as well. This is not expected behavior. I’ve attached my USB mouse thr Read More...
Commented on indrajit_pande's review
I've been using this 22' monitor for more than one and half year now. Its great one with inbuilt webcam, mic, usb ports etc. However, only drawback I found was when I turn off monitor, it turns off USB ports as well. This is not expected behavior. I've attached my USB mouse through monitor. Bu Read More...
Rated on indrajit_pande's review
Rated on bharathganesh's review
Commented on ipspati's article
Victim of ignorance of self safety I had received forward of this email months back and this story has been getting circulated for past few months. Not sure who is the originator. But regardless of what this reminds me similar tragic incident of ''death on train by electrocution'' (Warning: Weak hea Read More...
Accident due to absence of knowledge on technology
Rated on mageshg's review
Commented on serial_kisser840's review
I would love to see some day Ekta begging on signal for food.
Commented on jhili's review
Thanks for the review. I am planning to visit diveagar. please send me contact number of any cottage owner there. Thanks
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