There has always been huge hullabaloo over Business phones this particular model being one of them. the design comes very close to a black berry and the product is also placed to compete with that brand. how does is stand up to the Blackberry??
I call this phone a nemesis to the blackberry its simple no nonsense Smart phone. the design is sleek & beautiful the hold is perfect due to the grips provided on its steel back. the phone responds very well and is very fast. the best part of the phone is the battery power this one feature will blow your mind off.
The power simply does not die and goes on and on. the qwerty keyboard though small is very well placed and the button shape ensures that wrong keys are not pressed. speaker phone is very clear. the GUI is perfect and being symbian does not take ages to boot nor does it snag.
I have been using the nokia Email service which is awesome and compliments the phone you really dont need any application on this phone as nokia has provided sufficient applications. the GPS & maps software inbuild works perfectly and so far I have found no bugs. Nokia has provided encryption options for security porpose. All user who have thought of buying this phone should go ahead without any hesitation this Phone is a total thumbs up