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Member Since:Jun 12, 2006
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Blackberry Killer is Here
Reviewed Nokia E71
There has always been huge hullabaloo over Business phones this particular model being one of them. the design comes very close to a black berry and the produRead more...
Health Insurance!! Whats Important to know!!
Reviewed Cigna TTK Health Insurance
Like any other person we are all carried away by all those affection filled advertisement from Health Insurance. Secondly we are all suffering from lethargy, Read more...
Buy the best forget the rest
Reviewed Branded Vs. Assembled Computers
With the little bit of knowledge of computers that I have I thought let me be of some assistance to people who are in 2 minds of weather to buy a branded PC oRead more...
9300 a piece of Art
Reviewed Nokia 9300
They way I have changed my cell phones I thought my adventure with the Nokia 9300 would be for a limited period but I cant belive my self, my love for this phRead more...
Poor service for a TATA conn.
Reviewed Tata Indicom
If there is some body who can try you patience make you pull out all you hair it is non other that Indias Premier Broadband Company TATA Indicom. the 1 Read more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on venky045's review
with the kind of battery life that you specified there seems to be some problem as new laptops give a performace of 2.5 to 3hrs any time take my advice and incase in warrenty get this checked with toshiba people
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