Wanted to buy it for quite some time. Finally got around to buying one. Black.
It is a treat to have. Though, it is very expensive for a cell phone(Im not used to buying new phones or upgrading to newer models), it has till now justified its price tag. I am always comparing various phones in market and two of them topped my wish list - E90 communicator and iPhone. Finally, I have it and its worth the spend and wait.
For some one who is reading it to get an idea on features, there are many sites that give a very detailed overview of the phone and features.
It connects seamlessly to my WLAN at home. Easy to connect to my laptop. Easy to type messages. I used to hate typing SMS earlier on numeric keypads so Im feeling much better with full keyboard. I have configured my gmail into this and it cool. It syncs automatically to my outlook and calendars.
I think phone is just phone so comparing its camera to proper camera, its video to proper handycam, its music player to iPod etc doesnt make sense. But its good to have these handy, just in case, and they are not bad.
I havent tried video-calls so cant comment about them. It has just been days so there may be certain factors that Im yet to encounter.