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Member Since:Dec 12, 2004
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Education: B.E.
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Never Again! Enough!!!
Reviewed Kotak Mahindra Bank
I was an earlier customer of Kotak Mahindra bank, in fact one of the first few when they opened the branch in NOIDA. However, I later closed the account as I Read more...
My Best Phone Ever
Reviewed Nokia E90
Wanted to buy it for quite some time. Finally got around to buying one. Black. It is a treat to have. Though, it is very expensive for a cell phone(Im Read more...
Good Enough
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
Well, the review is basically regarding how I perceive it for my use. So it will not necessarily reflect your experiences and may not be applicable if your neRead more...
Very bad experiences
Reviewed Axis Bank
Im very unsatisfied with UTI Bank. The only reason I continue is because my company does not give me a choice of banks for salary accounts. What a monopRead more...
Works for me.
Reviewed ICICI Bank
Well, this is my first review of anything on mouthshut.com. I have read plenty of bad reviews of ICICI. I would have to agree with few of them. However, my Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Update on May 12, 2013: After rounds of discussions over phone, finally Kotak has reversed the charges. Hoping that this time it lasts.
Rated on monika138's review
Rated on vijaypadiyar's review
Rated on arunv79's review
Rated on akash_420's review
Hi Debs, Unfortunately or fortunately, my interactions with customer & tech support are few and far between. Noticed downtime only twice (over last 18 months or so), which got fixed within a day. Occasionally, if I face some connection issue, I just reboot the airtel router after 30 second delay. Read More...
Commented on kris_iswithu's review
I don't think you got the right picture. For one, I was approached by UTI Bank's priority banking officer since I met the criteria before switching the priority banking on. I went to cancel that since the service was bad even after priority banking. The officer himself agreed to that. Next, the P Read More...
Well, the title says 'works for me'. So its my experiences. I don't like ICICI phone banking. On Kotak, I must agree with you. I had savings account and DEMAT with them and their in branch service is excellent. However, there anywhere banking lags a little behind ICICI. For UTI, I don't have a si Read More...
Commented on sPACEjUNKIE's review
Chandni Bar is definitely not the first movie without song. There were so many... My best film is 'Ek doctor ki maut' an earlier no-song no-nonsense movie... left big impression on me (watched when i was kid)...
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