At the first instance It was like love at first sight for N72, and I gotta impulse of buying it. I did go through the various reviews online and everyone said its little better than average.
Big problems:
It hangs and thats quite irritating.
Once after taking image or video youve to wait that it store it, and then only you can see it.
you someone is calling and you cancel the call then you dont have idea who was calling, no log for it.
On the home screen message comes that no calendar entries for today, and you cant take away it, problem is that it hides the part of back groung images.
my phone is new, but people say that its camera cover give problem over the time
reception clarity is bad compare to my previous motarola phone.
I dont enjoy the FM as I was with my previous phone.
And dont know many more problem may be...
Plus point:
look and feels is very flashy, as I said by seeing it anybody love it.
sensor for light, so if its dark key pad get illuminated.
keypad typing is good.
Adding contacts using my laptop is great.
price is better than any of N series phone.
Now Im thinking why didnt I go for N73......