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Member Since:Aug 03, 2007
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Why all banks behave this way???
Reviewed BHW Birla Home Finance
Ive applied a loan take over from ABN AMRO to BHF (BHW Birla Home Finance) because I was pissed up with ABN AMRO bank with their attitude and their rateRead more...
Too much of appreciation for Kinetic Sym Flyte
Reviewed Kinetic SYM Flyte
Im a software eng in Blore. Sometime in May 08 my wife is joining a school as Montessori Teacher and so shes needed a scooter as publiRead more...
How satisfied I'm with Nokia N72
Reviewed Nokia N72
At the first instance It was like love at first sight for N72, and I gotta impulse of buying it. I did go through the various reviews online and everyone saidRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on bullitaas's review
Rated on ravegrover's review
Commented on ravegrover's review
Same thing here...within two month they have increased the rate though initially they shown the rosy picture that first 3 months it'll not applicable even if rate goes up... As I say these bank guys are having thick skin...They are like the butchers - on the name of work they cut the neck.. At Read More...
Commented on own review
In Hindi on phrase is there - 'Sau Sunar ki and ekk Lohar ki'.. These banks never listen to customers..and they surely will face the problem - sooner or later they will be on road as people will be not able to pay them back the EMI... Lets wait for subprime here in India....And they also know that Read More...
Commented on friend1372's review
They are the road side shop..which don't have ethics....And I'm the victim not innocent but the forced one.. It's like that - going from one bad hand to another...I wanted to move from one bad bank to another one which I thought will be good but no..they as well are the bad. Initially I thought Th Read More...
Commented on KTVT's review
Whenever I get call from any bank about credit card or personal loan, I abuse them like any thing saying - kya teri maa ki shadi tere bhai se fix hui ha you doughter of a biiiitch??? Initially I was very polite with these guys..but over a period got to know that they are thick skin..and have got tr Read More...
Commented on vishaka.seksaria's review
Credit Card - Say BIG NO...if you want to have a peaceful life...
Rated on rammohan515's review
Commented on rammohan515's review
You are drunken and drink was provided to you by this shhhit ICICI bank.....
Commented on rahesh.dudani's review
Everyone know these banks are cheat..and work without any ethics...but what to do? Our country is full of these kind of shit...If you see one person does the hard work to earn and rest others loots the money for easy life...and These banks come in later category...They are parasite..Only thing is th Read More...
Commented on rajeev_kal's review
Abe itni baar repeat kyo kiya hai mamu.... Everyone know these banks are cheat..and work without any ethics...but what to do? Our country is full of these kind of shit...If you see one person does the hard work to earn and rest others loots the money for easy life...and These banks come in later ca Read More...
Yes..I've got it and my wife is liking it... Some problem which already I've mentioned somewhere are: mileage is too low: 33 before first service and 40 after first service.... in Bangalore bump its always bad as it has low ground clearance ...and if there are two person then surely u've to be ca Read More...
Commented on nwh_01's review
no.. mileage sucks. before first servicing it was 33..after first service it's 40 KM/L...and as petrol prices are moving north..now I'm thinking was it right to go for Sym Flyte....But in other aspect its good..and my wife loves it and very comfortable with it.... I've never used the mobile charger Read More...
Now I've reservation about this bike... No doubt this is good one...but there are roam for improvement.. mileage is very poor - 33 KM/L It hurts a lot while driving on not very good road..whole body get jerk... if there is bump then always hit the bottom if you are not conscious enough.. the Read More...
As expected they've started showing their actual face. 1. They've delayed in giving closure cheque for my previous bank and because of that I've endup paying more than Rs. 2000/- from my pocket. 2. They've sent the pre-emi cheque to my account without communicating to me that they are presenting m Read More...
And when I asked about can I see feedback of your previous customers..they're surprised that someone is asking like that... I want to get rid of loans and banks asap..Only thing is that Tax relief coming in the picture so I'm having it. If not these guys then our government will take those money... Read More...
Commented on naveenprasad01's review
Now I'm facing the same thing...They are another sucker...My GOD so much of trouble with them... And they've hired the person who are good for nothing...
Commented on gs_amith's review
Good critics.. I've liked it.. You've explained almost every thing except it's hanging story that many time application get hanged. Pls don't put this kind of critics or Nokia will hire you :). And I'm rating more for your review rather than phone. At least I had very great expectation with any of N Read More...
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