Hello Everybody!
People this like da most funky movie I saw on lonely afternoon at my Grandmaz place...
By the midst of it I wuz like totally glued to da screen...
The flick can be classified under another robbery film but so well plotted that real time looters could learn from it...;)
Plus as usual I dont find the plot similar to any seen before as in the way they conduct the burglary.
It starts with Danny Dapper(George Clooney), a convict recently released..
His past includes his wife Roberts who left him coz of hiz means of income-theft.
Once a thief, always a thief.Yes Clooney prepares to strike again & this time the most well-guarded & biggest casinos of Las Vegas - The Bellagio, the Mirage and the MGM Grand. These three are owned by Terry Benedict (ANDY GARCIA). They have an underground joint security system. Georges motives do not only seem monetary but personal as well. reason being Tess (Julia Roberts) who is going out with Benedict. Jealousy or another chance at her? U guess...;)
Single handedly performing the task wouldnt be a wise step as the history goes that 3 attempts of the crime were made & the furthest they reached was to the door of the casino or their cars I guess.
So Dapper gets the blueprint of the Casinos construction & locates 10 colleagues, all of who are experts in some or the other field related to theiving ofcourse.
Clooney is the one with the plan while his right hand guy is Rusty Ryan(Pitt) whose a Pro at the table of cards.
Matt (Linus Caldwell) plays the role of a rookie who has no criminal records & is a wannabe thief. While the 2 Getaways or who U can call fast drivers are Turk & Vigil Malloy (Scott Caan & Casey Affleck).The Bomb expert( to blast the vault) is Basher (Don Cheadle). The inside man is Bernie Mac (Catton) who gets into the staff of the joint & Carl Reiner (Saul Bloom)whose gonna act as if hez a real big shot. Left are Elliot Gould (Reuben Tishkoff) whose gonna finance the whole scheme, a chinese acrobat, Yen(Shaobo qin) described as the grease man & finally Livingston Dell(Eddie Jameison) whose incharge of all the surveillance n camerawork ie the bugs n all.
Whew! whatta team eh!
Well it is a heck of an assemblage, with the director showing a bit of each n everyonez lives.
The picture moves on then from how they plan out the whole gig, face the hurdles...
Now dont expect moi to tell you whether they succeed or not & the fireworks between Julia n George...hehe
U gotta watch that part urself.
P.S: iM SOWWIE....
Hope u like this one...