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Member Since:Apr 12, 2002
0 MS Points
An extremely critical person(Quality of a Virgo)...I care about how people feel or think about me... I like them to feel positively about myself n' fulfill what they expect of me... In this way I think I'm doing my part in Loving God's Creation... Yes, to me it does not matter to change myself for another... though i would not call myself one who compromises easily... I can be stubborn at times n' am very rigid about my thinking... I ask lots of ''Whys''..;) So Whaddya Think?;). I have great interests in astrology & people... It matters to me what they think, why they think that way... Astrology gives u a basic idea of a stangers persona if not whole... I love reading books, watching movies, surfing the net, getting cute mails... I also love the word ''Love'' & everything n'everyone whose attached to it...
About Me
Education: Graduate
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A Good Buy :)
Reviewed National Irons
Hiya all! Im back after a real long vacation... n am starting with this review of a pretty reasonable household item. The National Electric SteaRead more...
For The Woman In Us....
Reviewed Tempest In Eden - Sandra Brown
Hello Everyone! Ive jus started reading the book a few days ago... A romantic composition, the book is about Shay Morrison, a nude model who has a faileRead more...
Da Bom!
Reviewed Ocean's 11
Hello Everybody! People this like da most funky movie I saw on lonely afternoon at my Grandmaz place... By the midst of it I wuz like totally glued toRead more...
Real Hot!
Reviewed Original Sin
Hi! I cant write much about the movie as all above have already written a lot n im sure u all have a clear idea of the plot. What ilRead more...
Reviewed Don't Say a Word
Hey All! This is the story of a New York psychiatrist (Douglas) whose daughter is kidnapped, and the frantic race against time that he goes through to get heRead more...
A solid waste of time!
Reviewed Kya Yehi Pyaar Hai
Hi! I totally agree Jaya... I mean the most intersting part of the whole flick wuz the ending!hehe The moral of the story is good but the way the director Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on gia25's review
I guess I can definetely add you to one person who too thinks that comedy yes... nonsensical comedy... ufff... like every other producer/director turning into David Dhawan! But nonetheless... I am a John Crazy.. so will watch it... (am from Pakistan so the good print hasn't reached us yet...).. Read More...
Rated on gia25's review
Rated on djkoustubh's review
Commented on tauro_aru's review
U are sooo right! I've seen the elite flaunt it and the executives rave about it... the price tag on it though is the only real block. Your review has highlighted the facts well although the sleek and slim part is overboard... the thickness and the length are what make it unable to carry in pocke Read More...
Rated on tauro_aru's review
Commented on trinity2199's review
Thanks for writing about the real experience. Although I personally don't own this but I was prior to this also scared by some of my friends who bought it and although its really compact and classic but one of them even complained about it breaking into half! Thanks again! Cheers! Malik Read More...
Rated on trinity2199's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
This is one of the most extensive and detailed piece of writing about the subject book. It provides a structured insight to the background and gives you a good idea as to what to expect. Had I not read the book already, I would surely find this review pretty enticing towards the book. Cheers! Read More...
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