I have never read Chetan Bahagat before, but he was recommended fro a particular sect of people. Also, I read that this book is going to be made into a movie, so wanted to see what its all about. To be honest, I dont think I am disappointed!
Lets see what all this book as to offer:
The book is written in simple language. Something that is not so available in todays literature. Also, the basic language is such that it reaches out to a large part of the readership.
Superb Start:
The books starts off with a spark! From the first page itself, it has a charmed effect. You want to binge on the servings...
The book has a very nice pace, which does not interfere with your daily routines, nor such that you want toread it when you go to the himalayas!
The situation is simple and very real. It does not over patronize any character, nor does it bash anyone down like dirt.
The book is ideal if you want something light to read when you havea night of flight travel or train journey.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read down any pressures, without getting into any heavy philosphy etc. The book drag a bit in the middle, but picks up again before you want to shut it forever...
Its almost a Hrishikesh Mukherjee movie...