Well I am diffrent kind of a writer and instead of writing long essays, I am going to touch on important points here.
? WHAT ORKUT IS - Basically I has nearly
3 Million or more people in one website and interacting to each other. Just like BATCHMATES & ALUMNI etc etc
1) How to Start/Join - You cannot joing ORKUT.COM unless someone invites you (makes you think how it started), But if you wanna join it, email me and I will send you an invitation
2) Signing Up - Takes 15 minutes and you have to be very careful in reading each and every point. Everything matters
3) Communities - You can search for communities like ’’India’’ Cricket etc etc and then interact to people you like. There are communities based on YOUR CITies and your SCHOOLS and you can make your own as well. I connected to my school community and found like 3-4 of my past friends. Thats just too good for me
4) Cool Stuff - There are so many cool girls on that website from every country and you can surf for girls and check their photos or whatever and then send them invitation to add to your friend’s list. after you are added and you can send them a TEASER or CRUSH-LIST which sends them a message saying these guy/girl loves you and asks for response. It has like tones of cool features online.
5) Finding Friends - If you know a person from your school or whatever, just search for their exact name and I am sure you will get some hits. There are almost like 100, 000 people from India itself and the communities on orkut are so many.
6) How Network Works - Basically someone adds you, thats your friend. Now the friend who added you has some friends and they also get connected to you indirectly. It works like BRANCHES of TREES. All connected to each other.
7) People’s Originality - This is a fact, on most of these communities, people use FAKE PICTURES and pictures of cartoons and whatever, but this website MODERATES those people and sometimes remove them. Most of the people I have seen there have a VALID picture and thats the best part.
These are the most important features of this website and oh wait, BAD FEATURES
1) Bit SLow - The website is bit slow but I expect that because there are like millions of people online. Plus sometimes you have to re-signin a lot of times as the server always restarts or something
2) Communities dont have much activity - the community places are deserted but none the less. Its still cool as there is littleb bit of activity, much more than those Yahoo Groups.