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Member Since:Nov 28, 2004
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Education: Bsc from (UK)
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Musafir (Admi Musafir hota hai yaar)
Reviewed Musafir Songs
Well one of the best moviesI have ever seen. Songs are placed at right time, shows the real life. Overall, the movie is amazing, depends the way you look at Read more...
Not for Indians
Reviewed Hi5
First of All, Om Numah Shivay Hi5.Com Claims to have around 13 Million members, well when I first logged on, that didn’t seem to be the case. Lot of my engliRead more...
Euphoria - Euphoria Gully
Reviewed Gully - Euphoria
Firslty, Om Numah Shivay. Well, where to start. This band is a legend with previous albums such as DHOOM and PHIR DHOOM. and remember the song Dhoom PiRead more...
Aitraaz ; Funny, Sexy & Cool
Reviewed Aitraaz
Firstly, OM NUMAH SHIVAY, Well where to start, Abbas-Mustan done it again, what a cool movie but not to watch with your family. Just go and watch with frienRead more...
Orkut - Find Your Past Friends
Reviewed Orkut
Firstly, OM NUMAH SHIVAY Well I am diffrent kind of a writer and instead of writing long essays, I am going to touch on important points here. ? WHAT ORKUT Read more...
Great Movie, Seriously, HOLLYWOOD HERE WE COME
Reviewed Dhoom - Bollywood
Well as the title suggest. It’s just a cool movie. I am sure people who are of age 30 ABOVE, would not like it becuase they are little jealous of the youngerRead more...
Study Abroad - Best thing that can happen to you
Reviewed Studying in India Vs. Studying Abroad
I came to UK at an age of 14 so very young and time in hands to learn a lot right. I am studying in UK. I did my A-Levels here for two years and let me talk aRead more...
SE K700i
Reviewed Sony Ericsson K700i
Well Where to Start. First of all OM NUMAH SHIVAY. I am going to be very simple here on sony ericsson k700i, I own the phone from 2-3 months now, andI must Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on sumal's review
Rated on swagi's review
Rated on aurbindlall's review
Commented on own review
Call quality is excellent but not excellent on speakerphone and it is hard to get to speakerphone mode, VERY HARD. Nokia cant be compared with SE. i have both nokia and SE. different qualities and diffferent players Sms typing is FAST but not as fast as nokia 6600. Firmware is RL0001 something Read More...
Rated on Mischief3961s's review
Commented on Mischief3961s's review
Please expland your reviews. I think you were in a big hurry when you were writing about this. Neway. Good luck
Rated on pvgm's review
Rated on hp00968's review
Sorry, My bad, i made a mistake. 10 Quid - 900. But hey, i heard 0 doesnt matter jejejeje. Bye
Guys, actually i am a very buzy person, but as you may have seen i touched all the points. and that 30 Age bar, YESS thats the boundary for TEENAGERS + YOUNG ADULTS, when you cross 30, i guess you be more of a intellect Neway Bye
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