Albert Camuss The Outsider is one of the most popular novels of absurdist writings. The main character or the narrator of the novel feels out of the box in each sphere. The way the novel starts with mother died yesterday is really shocking to us because there is no outburst of emotions, no cry, no abnormal behaviour that is thought to be normai in this situation. Actually society as Camus described ascribes some rules upon us like crying is the way one should do at mothers death, littering cigarette in the cremation shows(according to these norms) ones casuality in the act. Thus society makes you perform those rules, otherwise you will be alienated from the society as happened to the narrator. He responds to his mothers death not the way society wants. Anything that is disturbing, that can challenge the continuity of norms has to be banned from there. Therefore, the narrator is alienated, made to have punishment in the jail. He refuses to participate in the muddy game of the court, he refuses to conform and as a result, he is made as an outsider, an outsider to the world, to the society, to the norms.