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Member Since:Jul 27, 2017
340 MS Points
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Parx-the another name of classy apparel
Reviewed Parx
Parx is one of the leading clothing brands in asian countries. I love to buy parx t-shirts, half and full shirts for my father. The biggest reason is its bestRead more...
Park avenue-lovely product
Reviewed Park Avenue Soap
Generally its said that there is a huge difference between men n womens soap and park avenue is a popular product among boys. But as a woman, I really lRead more...
Ex[periece not good at all
Reviewed Shoppers Stop - Bhowanipor - Kolkata
I have visited thrice shopper stop, one of the biggest stores of bhowanipur. But each time, I could not buy anythinh from the mall. I find the clothes here arRead more...
Fbb- pocketfriendly shopping
Reviewed Fbb - Matigara - Siliguri
Fbb is my favourite store in siliguri. Most of the times, I love to visit here for different types of shopping. Its really a fashion hub. Most importantly, I Read more...
Raymond-classiness overloaded
Reviewed Raymond
Raymond is the classiest clothing brands of India. I have been connected with the brand for ten years at least. My father loves to wear raymond shirts, pants,Read more...
Heart of the inner darkness revealed
Reviewed Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad is the seminal text that is described as a great example of colonial text. It describes how the western people colonize AfrRead more...
The waste lane- a collage land
Reviewed The Waste Land - T. S. Eliot
T. s.eliots the waste land is the greatest modernist text written in 1922. It is one of the largest poems I have read. Eliot has created multiple spacesRead more...
Kfc- yum experience
Reviewed KFC - City Centre Mall - Matigara - Siliguri
Kfc in city centre mall, matigara is one of the popular places in siliguri. Food here, especially the chicken and its different dishes are quite fresh and nicRead more...
The outsider- a challenge to norms
Reviewed Outsider, The - Albert Camus
Albert Camuss The Outsider is one of the most popular novels of absurdist writings. The main character or the narrator of the novel feels out of the boxRead more...
Haldiram,taste unlimited
Reviewed Haldirams
Being a foodie, I love to try good food that maintains the health factor also. And I love to have haldiram - be it bhujia or laddu or namkeen, kaju barfi, kesRead more...
Wuthering heights-the eternal stuggle for love
Reviewed Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights is one of the greatest love stories in literature that makes readers spell-bound for years. Cathy and Heathcliffs Read more...
Women in love-the power of oppositions
Reviewed Women in Love - D. H. Lawrence
Women in love by D h lawrence is thought to be one of the greatest modernist novels of 1920s. In each aspect, from love to sex, from egoism to disrurption, frRead more...
Robinson crusoe- the first novel
Reviewed Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe is one of the much read and much discussed novels of the world. It is thought to be the first novel written in 17th centurRead more...
Bombay dyeing- combo of comfort and style
Reviewed Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Ltd (Wadia)
I have been a regular customer of bombay dyeing bed-sheets, towels and all. My mother never buys anything but bombay dyeing materials. Because it guarantees yRead more...
Fastract- my love
Reviewed Fastrack Watches
Fastrack watches seem to me really attractive, its great to wear. You would surely be noticeable wearing a good fastrack watch. My watch gives me style, more Read more...
Monte carlo- my favourite one
Reviewed Montecarlocollections
Monte carlo is the brand with which I have been connected for atleast ten years. Actually my father is a great fan of montecarlo t-shirts, sweaters and all. IRead more...
Reviewed Biba
I have been a regular customer of biba shirts, salwar suits and kurtis for last three years. To wear biba dresses is something that I am really fond of. The qRead more...
Surfacing and its multilayered dealings
Reviewed Surfacing - Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwoods Surfacing is one of the greatest literary texts that has left a deep and intense effect on me. It is the story of an unnamed woman who Read more...
Midnight's Children from a fresher's perspective
Reviewed Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
Midnights Children is one of the vast and though-provoking books I have ever gone through. It is a booker of bookers prize winning book by tRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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MouthShut.com (@MouthShut_OfficialMouthShut Verified Member)
Ekta Vaswani (@evaswaniMouthShut Verified Member)
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Md Amir (@mdamir960645MouthShut Verified Member)
Geetha Darji (@darjigeethaMouthShut Verified Member)
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Krishna Joshi (@krishutrivedi18MouthShut Verified Member)
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