This is my Review No:9, my lucky no. an here goes my review for my favourite mag. I think u better snatch a copy of OVERDRIVE and read it instead of this review n I’m sure u’ll love it. Else if U feel risking those 50 bucks, read on …
A Flashback:
I was a medicore 11th standard boy with little passion for bikes until that day came. It was Sept 2001, I was at the railway station, Coimbatore to send of my mom on her trip. I don’t know what set my eyes on a small bookstall on the platform. Having more interest on Computers than bikes at that time, I was gazing over a copy of CHIP (DIGIT) magazine. It was at that time this thing happened ... my vision fell on the picture of a OVERDRIVE magazine ... It was the time when Energy and Adreno Fx were reviewed ... I managed to snatch that copy for 40 bucks. I couldnt help being without reading while returning to my home from the station. From then I started seeing bikes more than gals, and reading this mag that text books, thus started my dawn for motorcycling passion...
Why I find OVERDRIVE the best? Jus coz I love bikes more than cars. It’s ezy jus compare another mag with this one n sure u feel the difference. OVERDRIVE gives equal importance to 2 wheels as that of 4 wheels, it is mainly this aspect that distinguishes OD (OVERDRIVE) from the other mags. Coming to the other mags, it is not worth comparing any other mag with OD except the AUTOCAR India. Actually speaking AUTOCAR = OVERDRIVE in terms of quality but u sure find AUTOCAR giving less preference to bike n sometimes not testing em all. Now let me elaborate the physical and chemical properties of OD in comparison with AUTOCAR:
Chemical Properties:
Paper Quality: OD = AUTOCAR in this aspect. They use superior quality paper 4 the 50 bucks they charge, consider typical copy has 175 pages (OD usually gives more nos.), 50/175= 0.30 Rs for all colour prints n lots n lots of pics. No other mag (OD & AUTOCAR) has this unique property.
Half Life: The pages are all stuck together well n strong. The ionic bond b/w the glue n pages is strong enough that I have all copies of OD from Sep, 2001 intact.
Photography: The photography is very good so that even ugly vehicles seem beautiful or handsome (4 the Pulsar). Advanced chemical methods r used for printing these high colour photos (jus 4 fun).
Physical Properties:
Appearance: The mag is very colourful including the pages yet the readability is good. I cant forget the most colourful Jan’ 01 copy, the bike shoot out was done with a bunch of sexy gals but some readers opposed that n it was stopped. The cover page design is also the most seducing.
News: In delivering the motoring news and PRODUCT WATCH the OD if the fastest to SCOOP the hot and happening of the automobile industry with pics!
Communication Mode: Open the mag n within an few minutes of reading u get familiar with the authors, the write as though they speak to u and this is a unique aspect to OD. An OD reader always remembers AJD, Sirish, Yogendra, Bertie, Sudheer, Aspi etc. So good is their writing skill and language.
The mailbox is good with replies, so is the HELPDESK, AUTOCAR dosent reply to their mails. OD gives a free helmet worth 2000 bucks for the starletter everymonth!
Tests: OD ensures 4-5 roadtests per month covering descent mileage. The roadtests and shootouts are carried out in real world situations. For the shootouts, OD dosent rely on roadtest figures but repeats the test again to ensure similar conditions for all vehicles. The shootouts are descent for they compare the vehicles on a specific segment based on many features and star rating them.
The OD awards are given every year to the esteemed under a host of titles.
The columns and features are good. Recently they have includes CITY GUIDEs. Also Intenational features are given priority along with sports (F1 and GP).
The New Car n Bike prices section is not as good as the one in the AUTOCAR.
Sometimes the cover page is of the folded type coz of which I find hard to fold the book n read.
They tend to support the industry and don’t stress on the Cons much. I feel that the cons should be stressed more than Pros.
They get excited whenever a new product is launched and initially rate it very good but only later they point out its short comings. eg. about the Pulsar gearbox …
Their website is still under construction (
Test for OD
Open the mag, u’ll find one of the most user friendly, colourful magazines around.
U’ll find 75% of the mag to consist of pics
The only mag to give 4 wheels = 2 wheels importance
From the above (properties) I find the OD to be the best mag 4 auto enthus, more if u r a 2 wheel freak.