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Member Since:Apr 24, 2003
0 MS Points
I am a humanitarian rather that a Sagittarian or vegetarian. I don’t believe in Evil but only on good and bad. I firmly believe that what you do is what you get. I love God (who’s name I don’t know) and He/She is my best friend. Sometimes you can find me chatting alone with him! Though I’m lazy, I’ve got a firm will power and desire to start a business, an industry in-fact. The reason being that I don’t have the necessary financial or industrial background and I have taken this as a challenge. I don’t like predicting the future or discussing the past but planning the present and enjoying it to the max. I feel that I have a unique mission in this world and if I fail none can perform it, so I want to complete my mission in style and perfection though I haven’t been assigned yet… Don’t cry over what has happened, laugh for it has happened You have a unique mission in this world If you fail to do it, no one else can. To the world you are one person but To one person you are the world. . My interests revolve around creativity, for which my admiration knows no bounds. “A beautiful mind” (copied !) that’s how I describe a creative brain and wanna posses the same. I love imagination and thinking. Apart from creativity I like music, not Carnatic but English and Tamil melodies. I also like watching movies mostly English Sci-Fi, action and have almost seen all Jackie-Chan movies who’s my favorite hero (does it sound unusual? coz he’s cool and nice). My favorite pastime is driving and reading auto mags. It is sad that I don’t read other mags coz of my laziness but I keep trying to improve the average processor I have. Sleeping and eating also join this list. I easily get interested in almost everything I see, hear and feel. I keep trying to sharpen my blunt processor to enhance its creativity to the max.
About Me
Education: BE
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To Love Karizma or not?
Reviewed Hero Honda Karizma
Hi everyone, this is my comeback review after 1 ½ yrs! But here I go… This time it’s on an icon for Indian bikes… but does it live up tRead more...
Reviewed Ooty
PARADISE GAINED! MAKING A DAY PER WEEK… THAT’S SUNDAY B4 Starting I felt that the space is not enough (contd. In comments also) but since I cant Read more...
Practical Training is Best
Reviewed Tips on 10 + 2 Education System in India
Why do you wake up early? For going to school. Why do you go to school? For learning. Why do you learn? For getting marks. Why do you need marks? For gettiRead more...
King Sized - Farmer
Reviewed Yamaha Libero
Kando – ‘Touching your heart’ has been the logo of YAMAHA. With the RX100, the company Escorts YAMAHA had gained cult status in the performaRead more...
Victor Vs Caliber 115 Vs Splendor
Reviewed TVS Victor
In this Era of Bikes, Speed and Style has become the mantra. But what Joe Average has to say is just: Ohm Mileageaia Namahah! Blame it on the Arabs who foughtRead more...
Best Wishes from MouthShut
Reviewed Successful Preparation for Std XII
A room messed with textbooks, guides and test papers; ‘Study well’ advice wherever you go; Plenty of scolding from parents; tuitions even at nights; No TV, OuRead more...
The Kingdom Of MouthShutia
Reviewed General Thoughts About MouthShut
This review is dedicated to Cousin2, Davieboy, Karana23 and YAMAHA. “You Fool! How does YAMAHA fit here?” =====WHAT I DID THIS SUMMER====== I Read more...
Maintaining ur bike
Reviewed Maintaining a Bike
Hey pals, Hope many have enjoyed my rvus on two wheels and this time it is a bit different. I’m into maintenance. Before starting my rvu I’d like to confess: Read more...
Reviewed Speed
THE NEED FOR SPEED INTRODUCTION It’s quite easy to make an interesting film for two hours showcasing a story that happens for several months or years.Read more...
The best bikes in India
Reviewed Twenty Best Bikes
Hey, have any probs deciding ur bike? Naaa. Here’s your bike man that too based on your preferences in addition to mine… Get ready… Vrrr… Below I have selectRead more...
Why is this special...
Reviewed Face Off
Hey wanna make a flop film in Tamil (or any local language)? I’ve got the best suggestion: Take the blockbuster FACE OFF concept and use any local direcRead more...
Driving? naaa It's Riding !
Reviewed Bullet ThunderBird
I can see people crane their necks, boys open their mouths and girls amaze at me riding this marvelous creature. I ride him with booming gallops and not driveRead more...
100% Entertainment - iithalaka iithalaka iithalak
Reviewed Dhool - Tamil
Abis screaming >> Yaai … Yaai … Pheew..Pheew...Phew..Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew… iithalaka iithalaka iithalaka ii… A month ago &Read more...
Who is this BABA ?
Reviewed Bajaj Caliber 115
Hoodi baba … Hoodi baba … Hoodi baba Hoo … Goes a new commercial … The green coloured bike is enough to hint that this bike is from thRead more...
Reviewed Poetry
When Style Matters ...
Reviewed Mission Impossible - 2
Hey Sister… See that mister … Socca Socca na na … Allez allez… allez ooa socca socca na na So starts the movie after a superb plane cRead more...
Sixers of Passion
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar
Hey all, This is my 10th review, and it’s on (10)dulkar … I don’t watch cricket I don’t watch world cup I don’t watch test maRead more...
All ye AUTO Enthus
Reviewed Overdrive Cars & Motors Magazine
This is my Review No:9, my lucky no. an here goes my review for my favourite mag. I think u better snatch a copy of OVERDRIVE and read it instead of this reviRead more...
The Best Concept ever
Reviewed Five Star
“Where shall we go?” I asked my friends after finishing an Industrial Visit after a heavy downpour that morning. “The Production students arRead more...
The StudioLine 21 - Sound Blaster
Reviewed BPL-FYR21
FYR 60YB3, that’s what the user manual says. But who cares, I call it the STUDIO LINE 21 from BPL. I remember the day I walked into a television showrooRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on iamsujaij's review
Followed karizma_tech
Rated on karizma_tech's review
Commented on chandni.'s review
Hey cool rvu but sorry i had 2 rate somewhat useful only... coz i was reading this rvu to know others opinion on our cricketeers performance... but u came up with a 'beauty contest'... anyway i enjoyed the rvu ! BTW dont u like sourav ??? ( to say the truth... u too look charming ya !!! )
Rated on chandni.'s review
Rated on white-knight's review
Commented on vikram_vinu's review
has the price of the new bike increased? by how much?
Followed achyuta
Followed FirenIce
Commented on FirenIce's review
Nice first rvu buddy. I too was excited like b4 the bike was launched, but bad luck i did not get test drive the day i went... I will write my rvu when i get it. But i feel our opinion will be same... keep writing
Rated on prashatt's review
Rated on FirenIce's review
Rated on morpheus2's review
Rated on s_vasudevan's review
Rated on deepakkumargupta's review
Rated on dess's review
Rated on ram_mohan's review
Commented on davidsarah's review
In our college we are planning for a tour to Goa this January and ur review was helpful. I will defenitely give ur places of interest a try... BTW nice and detailed review but u could make it better by adding subtitles... take care ya
Rated on davidsarah's review
Rated on cbzian's review
L. V. N. Prasad (@lvprasaddpMouthShut Verified Member)
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Mirza Nurain (@nurainashqMouthShut Verified Member)
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gokul.m gokul (@karizma_techMouthShut Verified Member)
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aishwarya iyer (@a_i_s_h_w_a_r_y_aMouthShut Verified Member)
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Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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Amrit Lal (@amritlalbaranwalMouthShut Verified Member)
Hemalatha Sathyanarayanan (@hemaaura888MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ranjan Kaul (@caranjankaulMouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 4
Praveena Javvaji (@Praveena9177MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 36
Faraz Khan (@khanfarazahmadMouthShut Verified Member)
Aisa Lamin (@laminaisa692MouthShut Verified Member)
ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
Murali Ramakrishnareddy (@abhibus1MouthShut Verified Member)
Frederick M (@ferdeickMouthShut Verified Member)
Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)
Lokesh Raj (@lokeshadvocate5MouthShut Verified Member)
Birbull Official (@BirbullMouthShut Verified Member)
Madhu Madhesh (@madhu270495MouthShut Verified Member)
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