Firstly, I should tell you clearly that this review is not in anyway related to travel and tourism.
This review is in response to other reviews about pakistan here on mouthshut, a lot could be said but I kept myself in control.
I couldn’t help controlling my disappointment...
I always believed the rivalry and hatred only exists between the governments but I was really surprised (or rather disappointed) to see that the rivalry is even more ferocious in the people.
I always thought of indians as peace-loving people sharing the mutual feeling of brotherhood with pakistanis but what’s this? I’m seeing a totally opposite picture!
The first thing is the wrong impression of Pakistan that you people have. Firstly its not necessary or obligatory for a muslim to have 4 wives...anyway, what’s wrong about it? At tha first glance, it does seem horrible, but think about it, what about those women who are unable to get married all their lives...
Secondly Pakistan is not a country filled with burqa clad women, indian muslims might be doing that but burqa is hardly seen here. Islam doesn’t forbid women to work or receive education, in fact, it encourages them.
Pakistan has a thriving fashion industry, just turn on a pakistani channel such as indus music or ary digital and then u would come to know that pakistanis wear pants, skirts and all, and there is almost no difference between pakistani and indian people.
If a crazy person says ’’Hindustan Murdabad!’’, it doesn’t mean the whole country is saying that. You shouldn’t judge a whole country just by the acts of a tiny minority of mad, pagal-type, irrational people.
So lets end this religious extremism and start a new era of brotherhood peace and unity.