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Member Since:Jan 26, 2003
0 MS Points
I am an O-Levels student studying at Beaconhouse School in Hyderabad. I am a 15 year old Aquarian who prefers independence as an atmosphere of work and leisure. I am up-to-date with the happenings in the world of science and technology. I know astrology and am able to make horoscopes and all. If your sphere is reading, writing, playing strategy/simulation computer games, watching comedy serials and movies, criticizing and loathing cricket, making other people laugh, gardening, astronomy or if you are a science buff, who is interested in gadgets, fashion-maniac, knowing the how's and what's of make-up and dressing or if you want to have some juicy gossip, just contact me! I'm just mad about Harry Potter, you can guess that from my MS ID! So if you're a Harry Potter fan too, let me know.
About Me
Education: GCSE
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Get caught in astrophysics
Reviewed Brief History of Time, A - Stephen Hawking
Its hard to believe that a whole book can be written be a handheld keyboard like communicator solely with the help of your fingers (and your brain of course) Read more...
Hatred...that's all!
Reviewed Pakistan - General
Firstly, I should tell you clearly that this review is not in anyway related to travel and tourism. This review is in response to other reviews about pakistaRead more...
Nice and juicy
Reviewed Shararat - TV Serial
Well, Shararat is all about fairies who have adopted to the human lifestyle so that they dont look like fairies. The story revolves around three fairiesRead more...
Masterpiece by Celine
Reviewed A New Day - Celine Dion
Celine Dion is out with her new album A New Day Has Come, after her timeless My Heart will go on, rated by SmaRead more...
Viva-mania hits Pakistan!
Reviewed Viva - Viva
Viva! -the band made by cannel [V]- after two massive concerts, hits the shelves in Pakistan at last, ending the long period of anticipation for those who haRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on angel25's review
Rated on snowwhite's review
Commented on teena_sri's review
Very intersting...Your opinion matches mine. I agree with you completely. There's one thing i feel very strange about. The family in KSBKBT is so rich that they never run out of money.
Rated on teena_sri's review
Rated on rekh's review
Rated on Jatt_sharabi's review
Rated on infi_om's review
Rated on jilmil's review
Rated on apekshaa's review
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Followed missy32 , enya
Rated on missy32's review
Followed rajasagar
Commented on arcade's review
I coudl hardly believe a grown-up like you could think so illogically, so full of hatred! I couldn't help controllong my dissapointment... I always believed the rivalry and hatred only exists between the goverments but I was really surprised (or rather dissapointed) to see that the rivalry is even Read More...
Commented on amrita's review
I totally agree with you, Kaho Na Pyaar hai was just a formula film like any other movie. The first time I saw the trailor I was sure it was one of those stupid movies which hardly make a scratch on the movie scene. I can easily describe this movie in a single word: 'Yuck!' Well I disagree with you Read More...
Commented on akbarshaikh's review
The thing I couldn't swallow was how could this movie bag so many awards. It was just an ordinary formula movie with an ordinary sound track and a worse-than-than ordinary performance by all the actors. Honestly telling you, I think Kaho Na Pyaar hai is senseless, I'm quite surprised to see so many Read More...
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