2 years back I had negative view about this product, but Today I highly recommend Drishti Eye drop if you seriously care for your eyes.
When first time I used this drop it was so painful that I wasted entire vile. Later on in the course of my job, I felt that I am exposing my eyes to greater pain and strain that this Drishti Eye Drop gives. It was like rejuvenating yourself by going to gym and exercising muscles. Obviously, you also need good diet to heal those worked-out muscles.
It feels refreshing after using this drop just like a tough but fruitful body massage. Good product, should have came earlier.
Note: I was so worried about my eyes that after I started using it regularly, I visited Doctor thrice in a duration of 6 month to make sure it is not affecting adversely and I was happy to know that my focusing power is better. However power fluctuation of -.25 that other people talk about is not significant and admissible by science. That minor fluctuation happen by various dietary factors.