I got a chance to visit thailand on my first overseas visit and unlike tradition of most of indians who like to travel with family and friends, I travelled alone to pattaya -"sin city of south east asia".And no regrets, I came back satisfied.
In pattaya first impression I got of friendliness of thai people.You do not feel as an outsider in the city.Most of thai people has body feature similar to that of east India.So it seems to be you in the north east part of india, but a culturally different society. One noticeable differnece you will see in pattaya that women and girls have much more freedom there.There is no eve teasing on the streets.
you can see girls and women, working hard almost all through the night, working as waiters, bar girls as well as fruit seller etc. you can see many girls walking alone late at night feeling perfectly safe. Pattaya has infamous cabarets and bars where male folk can rent out girls for enjoyment for short term (i.e abt 2hrs) and for long term(for full night), but at a price that vary from 500 baht to 3000 baht.Not only males can rent out girls, Girls can also rent out Boys for enjoyment both for short term as well as long term at "boys town" in pattaya.sex is available for sale.you can also have ketoyes(ladyboys)or hijras for your pleasure.
Pattaya has thai harem show that is live sex show done by thai artists.cost is 500 baht per person and one russian nude cabaret show costing 800 baht per person.Both shows are held in north of pattaya. In pattaya you will see lot of message parlours.Mostly sign board reads-Thai message-200baht, Foot message-200baht and Oil message-300bahts.In this type of message no sex is involved.These are mainly based on accupressure.On more type of message i.e body to body message is available in some of the parlours, here you will get message plus services and cost vary between 1000-5000baht.
Apart from hedonism, pattaya has lot of other things to see.No visit is complete without visiting ko lan island situated abt 10km of the coast of pattaya.Beaches there are very clean and on the way you see coral reef.If you are a water sport enthusiast you can do para-sailing, scuba diving etc by paying a fee there.
Other notable place is nung-nooch botanical garden.it is situated about 25 km from pattaya.it is a beautiful garden containg mainly orchids.Ticket cost is 700 baht inclusive of hotel pickup.In this botanical garden elephant show and thai cultural show is also organised.
In pattaya you can go anywhere on a baht bus by paying 10 baht.These buses stop by ringing a bell on the side of the travellers and you have to stop them by waiving your hand.So transportation is cheap.But one negative thing about pattaya is that food and water is very expensive.Especially if you are a vegetarian, and not on package tour, you must be prepared for some rough weather.Indian food is very expensive with one plate of dal costing between 120-250 baht and a single chapati cost between 25-80 baht.600 ml water bottle cost 20 baht and cost of a tea cup is 20 baht.Bread cost abt 30 baht.So food is expensive.so on your next trip at least take some tea making material with you.
But the place is worth visiting at least once in your life time.