I do not use a credit card online and I thought having a pay pal account would be a great thing. It was easy to sign up for and I even got $5.00 US money to open one.
I had money sent to me and deposited into pay pal and I also transferred funds to my bank which was a speedy process.
So you might ask what is there to make me title this review the way I have? I lost my password to my account and could not get in. I wrote them, they would not give it to me and said I had to call which I did. They asked me tons of questions and then they wanted the credit card number I used when I signed up.
I no longer had this credit card but had paid it off. I must have been on the phone with them for a good hour when they finally agreed to mail me my password.
A couple of weeks later it came by snail mail and I tried to log in but it would not let me. I spent another hour on the phone with them to no avail.
I decided to open another account and see if I could get that to work and this time I wrote down my password. After a bit my password would not work again and I knew I had it right so back to the phone.
They explained to me that I had complicated matters by setting up a second account.
I explained why I did that and the fact that my password should work on the latest account. Again they wanted a darn credit card number and it had to match the first one. I told them that was impossible as I had thrown it away a long time ago.
They suggested that I fax them a letter with both account numbers and close both and they would send me the money and then I could start a new one.
Not after all the hassle I had already been through was I going to start another account. I love the concept of it but customer service is nothing to write home about and not being able to access my account has been a real pain so I have to give this the thumbs down at least as far as my dealings with them go.