Dear Manager,
The mail is regardingClint with whom I chatted, he refused to give me your name or any contacts - e mail id or phone no. It seems like you are a person sitting on this ivory tower of the pepperfry company where nobody responds including thepersonal customer care executive Zohair and Mallik.
Whoever has chosen the company knew what service he would provide - a customer burning with rage - lot of pepper and fry. I cannot bear this pepper and fry agony anymore and hence this letter.
Since, looking at the response and assurance and service I have got, I am sure that you will not have my records, I am wasting cum investing this time to get the hard earned money back. I am have your assurance this will be an ordeal in itself.
My misfortune started when my brother chanced upon the beautiful website you have and the tempting offer to get fry with pepper - My ordeal is as follows:-
Booked 2 single beds with order no. 300359611 on 2nd May.
Got a wonderfully worded mail from Mr. Zohair on behalf of India’s No. 1 Home & Furniture Store for making this good decision and sharing his details for any query or issues.
On 19th may got the mail saying that the order has been shipped.
Packaged delivered on 24th May. To our surprise the bolts were missing and we immediately wrote a mail to Mr. Zohair and in vain tried calling him and discovered that the entire company uses answering machine with no response.
Sent a mail to their customer care id with auto response no.(EC-208223) on 25th May.
After waiting and repeatedly trying to get through the answering machine called on their helpline number on 29th May. Was informed that Mr. Zohair is no longer the representative and some Mr. Mallik has taken over. Complain no. 00536040. Was assured that I will be contacted by them within 48 hours.
Called again on 3rd June with an assurance that they are escalating it to their Manager and I will get a call back by eod - end of day(thanks for educating me). When I asked for his name and any contact details, was told that this can not be shared.
So, finally I refuse to be in pepper and fry and would like you to take the material back at your cost and reimburse the money. If that is not done I will be forced to take legal action.
Thanks and regards,