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Member Since:Jun 03, 2014
0 MS Points
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We are not hear to protect you as our CUSTOMER!
Reviewed ICICI Bank MasterCard Credit Card
ICICI Bank seems to have a different CALENDAR? When will you act on a complaint filed on 14th November and after a series of the email exchange, I got this rRead more...
Suffering from the burns of Pepper and Fry!
Reviewed Pepperfry
Dear Manager, The mail is regardingClint with whom I chatted, he refused to give me your name or any contacts - e mail id or phone no. It seems like you are Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed yashika38
Commented on amol.koshti's review
Thanks - I have my papers ready. First file a claim with Obdusman and later to the court. Try their IRDA IGES also. Before going to court, put all the papers together and exhaust the means of redressal available.
Rated on vinodeth's review
Take them court, I am gathering evidence for the same through RTI, IRDA Grievance handling mechanism and filing a complaint to ombudsman. Would like to join hands to take them to task?
Commented on own review
Thanks for the resolution. I appreciate the CEO calling, apologising, accepting the mistake by the team, and transferring the money for the missing things and cost of carpenter. Also, they ensured that the missing material also reached us - did not expect that after they had paid for it. The team ha Read More...
Followed dhireshjoshi
Rated on shankarpeddi's review
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Reviews: 11