Well...i m really fond of aerated drinks(like ny other collegian)....coke n pepsi have been my all time favourites..!
recently...while on the railway platform..i was amazed at a number of blue bottles at the stall...attractively arranged... a fren of mine who waz with me...then told me that it waz BLUE PEPSI..!
i was pretty curios n excited..since I had seen lot many ads.so I thought why not give it a try..we then shared a 500ML bottle
@ first I was very euphoric ...about the fact that I would b drinking sumthing really cool......but my excitement was short lived. all my expectatins were shattered in a moment...as the funny drink went down my mouth n into my stomach..for a moment I paused..it tasted very familiar...i was just trying to figure out wat is that thing.....n then my fren suddenly cried mouthwash.....n thats precisely what blue pepsi is !
its taste is sumthing equivalent to listerine..(yr mouthwash)..with some soda added ..lol
well ..lemme tell u that there is nuthin so cool about thiz blue thing...better not spoil your taste buds..
something which I learnt is .....old is gold..
so I suggest u better stay hooked to the good old black pepsi !
perhaps pepsi might make more money if they sell it as a mouthwash !