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Member Since:Feb 21, 2003
0 MS Points
. R & D...research n destruction..., computers, cracking softwares, computer graphics design, animation, internet, repairing gadgets n mechanisms (n spoiling those which r working fine), electronics.
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Education: currently in MECH engg
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Dhirubhai Ka Sapna.....not really Apna !!!
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
Cell phone users r indeed in a conundrum today.Reliance did create countrywide frenzy after the launch of CDMA services....But, a more closer look @ reliance Read more...
Who cares for speed anymore ?
Reviewed Shoaib Akhtar
Shoaib Akhtar..the tearaway bowler..who made history by cracking 100 mph barrier...has learnt much to his dismay that its not worth the effort. The feat hardRead more...
Reviews should be like......-:)))
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
Well.in short n chweeet words I would like to say just one thing: Reviews should be like a gals skirt: Long enough to cover the subject. short enoughRead more...
Buying a computer: can be fun, can be a nightmare
Reviewed Buying a Computer
Making decisions about computer peripherals is indeed a very tough job.u have so many brands n options that making a sound n a firm decision.iz a real nightmaRead more...
Truly, madly, deeply in love with Allen Solly
Reviewed Allen Solly
Well...frens...in todays world...where clothes really are the first n last impression....this brand definitely has an edge over the others. I purchasedRead more...
Pepsi mouthwash ???
Reviewed Pepsi Blue
Well...i m really fond of aerated drinks(like ny other collegian)....coke n pepsi have been my all time favourites..! recently...while on the railway platforRead more...
Great Story, Poor Execution
Reviewed Tumko Meri Kasam
As a fan of biographical dramas, I was excited to watch Tumko Meri Kasam, directed by Vikram Bhatt. Usually known for his horror stories, I had high hopes forRead more...
Commented on geromepelathingal's review
u have made a very valid point in the conlcuding part of your review...'santro users speak volumes.........' Pride of ownership associated with Santro is definitely more than any similar Maruti branded car. Actually, Maruti has severely damaged its image because of M800. Maruti is looked upon as Read More...
Commented on c_vignesh's review
Currently i have a T230 wid 2 months of warranty remaining. This fone simply suxxx when it comes to call clarity n signal reception. I want to go for another fone in the range of 7k - 9k wid camera n 65K screen. I was wondering if i shud go for K500 given T230's pathetic reception ability. So Read More...
Commented on jayant7k's review
thanx for the prompt reply jayant... while going thru forums i discovered that there is a way to tell yr fone to store sms's directly on the fone mem...n that way u can store upto 140 sms mess... It involves modifying the fone's firmware..n does involve a fair amount of risk..coz if u go wrong chan Read More...
Commented on vasant_msu's review
Another solution to wrong caller id is that u copy entire fone book to fone's memory n remove everything from sim memory.... sumtimes if the fone has problems in accessing sim card due to dust, dirty contacts etc..it might cause abnormal behaviour of fone including problem of wrong caller id..as it Read More...
I fell in love wid thiz fone 1 yr back...I have faced a few problems as well as solved them successfully..in fact there are so many internet forums n yahoogroups totally dedicated to tweaking this fone..software etc.. 1) Solution to wrong caller id.. it usually happens between two numbers note Read More...
Hie Jayant, Thiz iz tushar 23/m/bombay ! E398 is most definitely one of the best options if one is looking for a color fone wid 65K colors, camera, upgaradable memory n music playability. However, while browsing thru internet forums I came across this strange problem about E398 n would app Read More...
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Commented on pinks25's review
Begins with an A…...evolved from its ancestors lik aakhein, yaadein… & ends in Zzz (audience = Zzzzzzzzzz) (Andaaz is proven n tested remedy for insomniacs…..prescribed by renowned doctors world over.. :) and if u remove those Zzzz’s it means zero in hindi. Another Read More...
Rated on pinks25's review
Commented on firstautumn's review
itz na yr phone thatz makin da noise....but its my comment here .. -:) congrats...4 yr new cell....i a fren of mine also has 2100 phone.....itz damn cute.....(like me.... :P) i really love those dazzling white lights in 2100... (when u hold it near yr face.....in dark...yr face gets Read More...
Followed firstautumn
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Manan Bajoria (@ixigoMouthShut Verified Member)
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Vijay Saini (@vijaybaghel1993MouthShut Verified Member)
Dr Maan Physiocare (@drmaanphysiocareMouthShut Verified Member)
Arkay (@RxonlineMouthShut Verified Member)
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Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
Aarti Gupta (@AstrotalkMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
Kunal Sharma (@Kunal32198MouthShut Verified Member)
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