Well its been more than 7 years till date (todays date is 07/09/2006) well the t.v. set has the same picture quality as it had when I bought it. well I call it ruff and tough because of two reasons,
well first there was a voltage problem during this fluction in current three bulbs burst out in the house but the t v was running with a very brightly lit screen, I thought I was lucky enough to not have lost the t.v. and the t.v. was alright even after it was through with the fluctions.
secondly, I am ashamed to say I lost my remote coz my dog chewed it. well because of this, I had to use the t.v. without remote as I could not get a replaced remote from the philips service people as it was out of stock and it took them almost 7 months to replace it during this time I had to use the t.v.s front buttons and even so after the the panel is still the same and very good.
well I would suggest a person this television to buy if the user still prefers a classic fashioned t.v. that is ruff and tuff and has a very good value for the money to buy as the t.v.s that come the traditional picture tube and not a tft screen as it has been a proven thing that even if the tv is switched on hours together it wouldnt have any problems unlike the TFTS.