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Member Since:Aug 22, 2006
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Education: under graduate
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Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 180
hello there. i am raj. I have been riding this stunnin handsome bike for a year(bought in oct 2005)now and I have done 12000kms on it and I believe my experiRead more...
VIVA LA MUZIK..........@#$%^&*>>>>>>>SIMPLY ROCKS
Reviewed Hyundai Accent Viva
Well I boughtan Accent viva crdi in jan 2k6, let me tell you the main reason to choose this car. well we all know that once you buy it you need to holdon to Read more...
Solid T.V. for ruff and tuff use
Reviewed Philips Standard Television 21 PT1423
Well its been more than 7 years till date (todays date is 07/09/2006) well the t.v. set has the same picture quality as it had when I bought it.well I cRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
and yeah sandeep thank your freaking stars you got a good machine, and bloody hell i bet your bike has developed good amount of rust! and when is the scrap yard visit by the way?
sandeepdhawan_83 now do you call my review a crapped nonsense? ha ah ah ah ah ah ah ah aha look whos talking? and by the way is anand the R&D guy for bajaj? mmuuaahha ah ah ah!!! one thing is for sure one has to be really Lucky to get a well fabricated PULSAR, they seriously dont believe in so Read More...
bloody hell @ 2fast2furious4cars! this fake ID, if you have any thing personal against me then say it loud and clear you damned coward! not even one review in this long time and that proof enough that this is a fake ID! if this is a real one after i edited and updated there would have been atl Read More...
rajeev get your self a karizma or a unicorn! my advice dont buy bajaj or tvs they are short lived bikes! i even got my gear blocks changed after 25k kms! its not a tough male after all!
Rated on aditya999's review
Rated on streethawk's review
Rated on anandgowda's review
Rated on renjithkrishnaja's review
Rated on Sushama's review
Rated on anand.madhur05's review
Commented on anand.madhur05's review
or are you just going gagaga over the pulsar your review proves no point in a proper way atleast edit it...
Rated on anandrenake's review
Commented on anandrenake's review
By: anandrenake | Jan 25, 2007 03:29 PM Well I guess you are the one who really understands me here... People just tend to jump on me because I criticise ’em a lot! I had a lot of fun making these above people tear off their hair out! As for me and honda, I like the real honda NOT Read More...
look firstly you dint mention the greatest drawback of pulsar 'ITS GEARBOX' It sort of starts getting stuck on a regular basis during the down shifts after the 10k kms marks.... if ridden rough the engine totalls at 20-25k kms marks and NO MATTER HOWMUCH EVER YOU SPEND THE BIKE CANNOT BE BROUGHT B Read More...
Commented on k_sandha's review
the speedo on unicorn has very high percentage of error when compared to pulsar, i agree with you about the power delivery being uniform, for it dons a CV carburrerator... the fact is when uni is doing 100 on speedo its in its mid 80s speed where as the pulsar is atleast like 94-95kmph in reality Read More...
Commented on writetoshivaprasad's review
the mileage doesnt fall below 35kmpl unless u rip the trottle real bad like an headless horse... check it with the actual zma riders and then quote such figure on a public sites like this please. with decent trottle and steady shifts of gears with a speed of 50kmph the bike returns nothin less than Read More...
Commented on elvis123kid's review
i had a p180 v2 too but i got pissed off with its gearbox and sold it and now i am buying karizma, the only problem is that YOU NEED to be PREPARED to empty ur pockets for a bike of 200+cc just like people are prepared for bullet and thunderbird,so if you are looking for economy too then buy the ori Read More...
Rated on Road_ripper's review
Rated on ashwinrajt's review
Commented on sandy76's review
WHY DO YOU THINK 'CBZ' WAS SO DEGRADED WITH MILAGE? its was coz they provided TRIP-METER!!! which enabled every TOM DICK AND HARRY TO CHECK THE MOST PRECISE MILEAGE! at that time people were not used 150segment bikes and were unable to digest the mileage of 40-50km/l coz at that time hh was know Read More...
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