So I read Dorian gray.
Why do People not know of him, the legendary character who makes a deal with the devil to sustain his good looks and immortality?? is a question which perplexes me. Fine, I didnt know about Dorian gray-the book ( even though I knew about the character) before I was engrossed in the motion picture true, But somehow every person I ask of does not know this splendid work of literature where he bears the main character. I believe even though many are unaccustomed to the name and the legendary character, he should be and maybe even is, known to every single soul, as we too have a part of him inside us. Like it. or not.
enough of my vexed thoughts, lets get down to why you should read it. my only regret is not reading this wondrous piece of literature earlier.
This is simply a brilliant piece of literature, fine the plot of the book may not be entirely original, since a book of immortality and infinite youth was written a few decades before oscar wilde, by some German writer in a Faustian theme. How ever Oscar wilde has captured Victorian England and in depth LONDON in a brilliant manner where he has exposed the true characters of the rich, the poor and the noble. Reading this book means getting an insight into London and the opinions the then-people had about american people and America and also generally opinions about the rest of the world.
Apart from that It includes brilliant quotes such as "There was purification in punishment. Not Forgive us our sins, but Smite us for our iniquities should be the prayer of a man to a most just God."and "You have killed my love. You used to stir my imagination. Now you dont even stir my curiosity. You simply produce no effect." which really makes you ponder once you read them. I myself personally was so engrossed by these two quotes and wondered about them for hours at end, linking them to my and Dorian;s life. There are many quotes similar to these and it really reflects on the brilliant genius of the author who had the wits and brilliance to emboss it in this classic. Which will undoubtedly stand the test of time.
Finally (since i do not want this review to be too long) i think this novel applies to each and everyone of us, simply because all living beings crave what dorian craves, may it be whom-ever, one thing is for sure which is that we do not want to end up dead. Yes?
So in that case are you willing to sell your unmaimed soul to the devil for infinite power? Well if you are thinking about it read the book, see the sins, observe the remorse, maybe you will think twice about it!.