Ifyou liked the earlier Pirates part 1 then you will like and enjoy this Piratespart 2.
Thought I think Part one was more original and fun to watch movie this part 2is more predictable (thought it contains some surprises in it).
Story line moves from where part is end Jack Sparrow escapes from east IndiaCompany and ends into another of his misadventures which you should enjoy.Thanks for Jack this moves has some nice hilarious moments which binds u in themovie.
Jackrun away from British to realize he owes his life to Davi Jones the monster whocontrols sea and also Britesher’s are also after Davi Jones to Control the seafor their benefits. (I don’t understand how British commander knows about thelittle secret of Davi Jones anyway and after him too). So this movie is a goodtime pass to enjoy some breath taking sea stunts and funny act of Jack and histeam.
Ithink it s a must watch movie and if you don’t watch this movie then you willmiss the action sequence for the third part of it. So go for it folks.
Idon’t like the work of Orlandoblooms. The show is for Jack and no one else. So to like this movie you need tolike Jack Sparrow oops Captain Jack Sparrow character.