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Member Since:Mar 15, 2005
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Education: M.Tech
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Owning FORD Ikon experience after 6yrs and 55K KM
Reviewed Ford Ikon Flair
I own FORD IKON Flair 1.3. I was thought of sharing my experience of owning ford for last 6 years and driving Read more...
Nice fantacy movie. good 2.30 hours of entertainm
Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Ifyou liked the earlier Pirates part 1 then you will like and enjoy this Piratespart 2. Thought I think Part one was more original and fun to watch movie thiRead more...
1.3 Flair Good car, but poor quality and service
Reviewed Ford Ikon
Hi, I own a ford ikon flair. Its about little more than a year old. I bought it from one of the so called best Ford dealer in Delhi. Car has clockeRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sri_8888's review
I guess service in Metro cities is still slightly better than non metro places. BUt i will agree, that service is poor and ford need to expand the service capacity for a better customer satisfaction and experience. Electronic parts of not good. i have been told initially that some part will fa Read More...
Commented on eldermaan's review
I had really bad experience using maruti mechanic for my matiz serivce. I end up screwing my car and spending money money to keep it up and running. Availability of good genuine spare parts is still an issue even in Delhi NCR. My recommendaiton is stick to Daewoo parts and specially for electri Read More...
Commented on own review
i understadn your concerns bildebej. I am also keeping this Ford Car just because after sales price very poor and no choice to live with it. But point i am trying to make here is lots of people i come across are complaining about high maintenance cost and nto a good vehicle etc, so i thougth will in Read More...
Commented on mamidenna.sheela's review
Hey i have been with HSBC for quite some time. even i faced a similar situation and it was rectified and my password was re set in one day time as they promised. ther might be some other issue. check with the bank again for the same .
Commented on wazzup's review
Can you share your mechanic address with me I will also try him once.
I agree with you wazzup. cost of ownership of ford high and service quality of harpreet ford is not to so good. all they care is for taking out money from the customewr without proper service quality. i had my second paid service got done yesterday and simple serivce cost was whooping 4500INR fo Read More...
Rated on wazzup's review
Suresh, I read your comments. i appreciate your views on this. I am writing here my experience with the car and its service. See there is no argument if your car is running trouble free. I have seen some old review where people are complaining about quality and service and average etc for ford. Read More...
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