I first heard about this site from a friend who wanted me to try it on my computer.
Great way to keep in touch with people and have all their information handy I was told so I told all my friends and we all loaded it on.
I started getting requests to update my information because what I had inputted into there several times did not take and there was nothing listed for me. No matter how many times I tried it would not take my information.
All my friends had the same problem so it served no purpose that I can see. We all removed it from our computers but know it is not gone completely. It is one of those things that leaves fragments behind. I can tell as when someone that is on my list comes on line and I am doing my mail their name will flash.
It would be a nice concept if it worked. I just have not seen anyone that it works right for at this point so would not consider putting it on again.
Instead I keep a folder in my e-mail and get all the information on each person and store it in there. I also like to make a back up paper copy in case of computer problems. I still have my information handy without all the hassle of trying to figure out how to work something that does not want to work.
I have come across many such programs and the fact that they will not remove completely or sometimes not at all would suggest to me that they are spyware.
I found no answers to help questions that addressed the problem I was having so just gave up on it.