Everyone is complaining about Powersurfer.net. If you are a heavy internet/download user like myself, this company offers the best in all fields (connection, cost, service, etc) overall compared to others. The only problem is to get thoir connection in your Location. Never go to Leap Telecom (agent) in Bandra(W) as the person (Robert) will give you all excuses to not take up Powersurfer. Leap Telecom is also an agent for Iqara.
To the main point, Is there anyone you know who is still on the very first old pacakage (Rs. 15000 for 3 years). My Friend who stays nearby got his upgraded to Broadnet to increase speed, but had to forfeit 2 months of his connection. 3 months have passed and Ive not yet receive this offer/connection. Helpline says that this is going in Phases (new fibre optic cables) througfhout Bandra (W) and cannot give a time frame. If anyone has gotr this upgrade, what is the actual download speed under the upgraded connection.
Also, To all those on the 64kbps, 128kbps and 256kbps packages - please let me know what is your actual download speed. MTNL triband is all fake regarding download spped as everyone (in Mumbai) I know can only get a max speed of 45 kbps. MTNL wbesite says to divide 256kbps by 8 to get the actual usage. This is why I like to know your (powersrufer users) actual download speeds.