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Member Since:Dec 08, 2006
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Beware of Seller: 99 Store AKA Ojjas Enterprises
Reviewed Shopping.Rediff
Do not buy any product from "99 Store" as this is another name used by the infamous crooked online shopping seller "Ojjas Enterprises Amazon". Most of the prRead more...
Broadnet upgrade - download speed
Reviewed Powersurfer.net
Everyone is complaining about Powersurfer.net. If you are a heavy internet/download user like myself, this company offers the best in all fields (connecRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on tridentblade7's review
Commented on behold's review
My First ever order with rediff was a flop (rediff shopping order no - 5751197). Seller: 99 Store ( Ojjas Enterprises Amazon shows as seller after placing the order). Screen shot of Rediff Shopping item page - http://img41.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=58060_Screen_shot_of_Rediff_Shopping_webpage Read More...
Commented on own review
As per acutal definition under Indian law, when you advertised speed 256 kbps, it has to be at that speed. When I say powersurfer is the best, I'm only saying this for heavy users like myself. My current speed only allows me to download 650 Mb per day (23 hours), when I need to actually download Read More...
Commented on renny2077's review
You are the first homeuser (in whole of India) I've heard off who states that actual download/surfing speed from user's end is way over 45 kbps. Are you real or just a Sify person posting a fake review? MNTL triband (all packages) users in whole of Mumbai (I personally know 25 such users at my Read More...
Commented on hsejars's review
To measure your real download speed, download a large file and the speed/time show is the real one. Using websites to measure your connection will only show how much your connection (optic wire) can take, but not actual download speed which is locked/fixed by the Service Provider.
Commented on Zack2zack's review
Hi, your review of has just answered my query. I'm on powersurfer.net (Bandra, Mumbai) for 6 yrs and speed is fixed at 7.5 kbps. I was thinking of going in for Sify 256 kbps unlimited package next yr. but wnated to know actual speed. Now I'll stick with Powersurfer (Reliance) as the 64 Kbps packa Read More...
Commented on smuks's review
What is your actual download speed under the 64 Kbps package? I still have the very first Pacakge (Rs. 15000 for 3 yrs) and speed is fixed at 7.5 kbps.
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