Which Is Better? The Pre-Paid Card or The Post-Paid Card (Billing Card) The Cellular phone is gradually becoming a very imprtant device for the people. As far as Bombay is concerned..The 3 companies which are providing cellular phone services are MTNL(Dolphin), Orange and BPL Mobile Garuda is a mobile phone service and not a cellular phone service.
The debate here is whether the pre paid card system is better or the post paid card (billing card). The cost of the service for BPL and orange is the the same while Dolhin is slightly cheap. The minuimum slip for a pre paid card is Rs 300 out of which Rs 225 are deducted as MTNL rent charges and Rs 75 worth of calls can be made. The Caller identification / Outstation call service is free. In a billing card..There is monthly rent of Rs 295 (whether you make a call or not). The Caller identification service is free for the first 3 months and then it is charged at Rs 75 per month. Same for the out station and long distnace calls. The Short message service is available in both the services at Re 1 per outgoinmg message to any cellular phone in the world and No charge for incoming messages. The call charges are Rs 1.80 per minute as airtime charges (and Rs 1.99 in case of prepaid cards). and Rs 1.20 per 3 minutes as MTNL charges for a local call. For all outstaion calls it is Rs 5 per minute as company airtime charges and MTNL chharges as applicable. MTNL (Dolphin) also charges for the airtime as well as the normal MTNL charges as applicable.
All billing card charge deposits ranging between 3000 to Rs 7000 depending on which service and company you use. The prepaid card charges initial deposit of Rs 250. It is now up to you to decide which cellular phone service is better. The prepaid card refills are avialble almost anywhere and everywhere you go in bombay. I know of many places where you can get refill card of Rs 300 for Rs 295..Refill of Rs 500 for Rs 475 and Rs 750 refill for Rs 720.