Prdp was worst movie done y salman khan. First half of movie was quite fine but second half was worst and cheap drama.
But as you know salman khan was in the movie so it got successful. So lets talk about some cheap and worst part of movie.
The scene of football match was worst scene of movie according to me. Can you think your enemy sister will come and play football with just because female team is losing so cheap. I know its movie and anything can happen in movie but not anything that they can do so unreal. For me watching this was just waste of time and money. Let talk about story of movie. Story of movie like there is a king named vijay singh whose brother ajay singh wanted to kill him. So when vijay went meet his sister chandrika and radhika and while returning on his carriage the driver of carriage gets off carriage make carriage with vijay to fall from moutain so he gets injured and his treatment was ging on secretly but for vijays safety there should be another king in palace so his enemy dont try to find him and kill him. So his loyal security officer found identical duplicate of vijay made him king for some time and in this way story goes on and his duplicate make his relation with his family better including his step sister and at last vijay bitter relation with ajay becomes sweet.