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Member Since:Jan 15, 2016
342 MS Points
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Good but not for current situation
Reviewed Sony Playstation 4
As we all know play station 4 if fourth generation console after play station 3.it has been more than a year since play station 4 has been released. now the qRead more...
A good scooty
Reviewed Suzuki Access 125
I have been using suzuki access since two and a half year. for one and half year I did not faced any problem bu now this scooty have started giving problem. IRead more...
A budget phone but not a good phone
Reviewed Intex Aqua 3G
Intex aqua 3g is one of the cheapest android available today. by launching phones like this company like intex encourage digital India project because in IndiRead more...
A ok phone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Core Prime
Samsung galaxy core prime is a average phone for its price range. but as this phone is from samsung this makes this phone good for its price range. as brand sRead more...
Just a waste of money
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo
You would be familiar with samsung galaxy grand quattro so I want to say that this phone phone is just a bigger version of the samsung galaxy grand quattro. IRead more...
Worst phone to buy
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Star Advance
As this said samsung galaxy star advance is the worst phone to buy. buying this phone means just waste of money. if you are buying this phone then it means thRead more...
Not a great phone
Reviewed Micromax A092 Unite
Micromax unite was launched back in third quater of 2014 so this phone is pretty outdated. coming to the features of this phone I want to say it got a great fRead more...
Not a good phone
Reviewed Micromax A106 Unite 2
Micromax unite 2 is a a ok phone its good for hindi lovers and other language lovers but overall not a good phone. I have this phone but I do not like this phRead more...
Worst flagship phone
Reviewed Yu Yutopia
Recently I bought micromax yu yutopia by yu televentures and I am quite dissatisfied by the unit I got. First of all this phone is good I I am not saying thaRead more...
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Grand Quattro
I have a grand quattro and I am pretty disatisfied by this phone. now lets talk about its different features. Processor it runs on a 1.2 ghz quad core cortexRead more...
I love this movie
Reviewed Dilwale (2015)
According to me this movie was excellent. while watching this movie I wish that his movie do not early. so lets talk about its different areas story I lovedRead more...
Not upto its sstandard
Reviewed Prem Ratan Dhan Payo
Prdp was worst movie done y salman khan. First half of movie was quite fine but second half was worst and cheap drama. But as you know salman khan was in theRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on SanketKanani's review
Commented on opparwat's review
quikr is amazing site and it has developed very well in last few years
Rated on opparwat's review
Commented on alok147963's review
yaa for mba degree we should select some reputed college but pay package totally depends on your capablity
Commented on kalpeshmadan725's review
facebook messenger is good for those who wanted to be connected all the time but it reduces overall performance of the phone
Rated on alok147963's review
Rated on kalpeshmadan725's review
Commented on mohammedanash's review
a good review and thanks for review everyone wants a comfortable journey
Commented on AyatSeerat's review
nice review. it is very useful for me
Rated on mohammedanash's review
Rated on AyatSeerat's review
Commented on bilalsayed90's review
good review and i think instead of buying spice phone we should buy some branded phone
Rated on Jatinder_k's review
Rated on bilalsayed90's review
Rated on mandisushil's review
Commented on mandisushil's review
Its a amazing site I have sold many secdnd hand things on olx
Rated on kaushal7878's review
Commented on kaushal7878's review
For menthis website never gave accurate result. It
Rated on GIRDHARI786's review
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Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)
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Moin Ali (@mnzeee21MouthShut Verified Member)
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