This is an impressive piece of kit from the boys and girls at Psion. Whereas their previous offerings were little more than an advanced personal organsisers with some added features this really is an excellent piece of hardware.
The Major difference between this and its predecessor the series 6 is the new colour screen which can be access through touch alone. This is an excellent feature and one which has probably been added to enhance the new web surfing abilities which this device also offers. There is some excellent built in net connection software to handle this new demand in the form of an excellent mail reader which seems to have had few if any features removed. The web browser is perhaps a little lightweight in the form of Opera 3.62 but that is easily forgiven considering the scale worked on here.
There is a built in spreadsheet program, word processor and spell checker although this agan is very low on features and only offers three fonts - none of which are personal favorites of mine but I guess I will cope. On top are the programs ou would expect to find in the form of an Agenda program and contact list, calculator, database etc. which make its range of uses highly applaudable.
There is also the typical Psion keyboard which is far superior to that of its competitors being more like a normal PC keyboard and a battery life which should last a good 12 hours-ish.
So is it worth the money? Well what you get here is a scaled down notebook computer but with much of the same functionality. It will probably set you back around $1000 at the moment but expect these prices to fall within a year. If you really need internet and email access on the go then buy it...otherwise dont. Simple as that.