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Member Since:Mar 19, 2001
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I am...me. writing stuff...surprisingly
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Education: University degree
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Not 'Scary' Anymore - But Still As Disturbing As
Reviewed The Exorcist
Released to a storm of protest back in 1973, The Exorcist provoked heated debate amongst religious and community leaders, with the subsequent ban from generalRead more...
It Doesn't Get Much Better!
Reviewed As Good As It Gets
As Good As It Gets stars Jack Nicholson as the worlds most obnoxious man, who finds that he must change his ways in order to keep the woman he loves or Read more...
Scary Movie
Reviewed The Blair Witch Project
Perhaps never has a movie been surrounded by so much intrigue and rumour than the Blair Witch Porject. No one seemed to know whether it was really a documentaRead more...
The Heaviest Metal Album There Is
Reviewed Reign In Blood - Slayer
Reign in Blood’ was one of the first albums I ever bought and it still sounds good today. Loud, brash, fast and ultimtely brutal, ‘Reign in Read more...
Good Idea - Poorly Executed
Reviewed Deep Blue Sea
Is this movie little more than Jaws brought up to date? Again it features what is probably the world’s most efficient biological killing machine and offRead more...
You'll Die Laughing!
Reviewed Scary
I have never been a big fan of movie spoofs or the slasher movie genre encompassing such movies as Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer etc. so I went tRead more...
Virgin On Superb
Reviewed Elizabeth
This film documents the early years the rule of Queen Elizabeth I of England - arguably Britain’s most successful monarch. At the end of her 40 year reiRead more...
Fast Forward To The Last 20 Minutes
Reviewed Deep Impact
Despite sounding like a porno, Deep Impact is in fact little more than yet another disaster movie in the ‘something big’ on a collision course witRead more...
Seriously Funny Movie
Reviewed The Wedding Singer Movie
Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore star in this likeable romantic comedy which follows the usual Hollywood formula. Set in the 1980’s, Sandler is Wedding Read more...
Probably The Biggest Name In Jeans Wear
Reviewed Levis
There was a time when if you thought of Jeans then you thought of Levi. The 501 was the name synonymous with jeanswear of all types and they were somewhat intRead more...
An Epic Roman Romp
Reviewed Gladiator
Gladiator is a roman epic of true proportions following in the footsteps of greats such as Spartacus and Ben Hur. This is a stunning visual and at times emotiRead more...
Braveheart - American Stylee
Reviewed The Patriot
When this movie was due for its cinematic release in the UK I heard nothing but bad reviews which ranged from moans about its complete disregard for history(hRead more...
Abysmal Movie
Reviewed Jaws 3-D
Jaws 3D was probably best viewed in the cinema when it was first released. It had the extremely novel idea of incorporating 3D technology so that the action sRead more...
Honey i Shrunk The Laptop
Reviewed Psion Serie 7
This is an impressive piece of kit from the boys and girls at Psion. Whereas their previous offerings were little more than an advanced personal organsisers wRead more...
Visually Stunning
Reviewed The Cell
Jennifer Lopez plays a child psychologist who enters peoples mind through the use of a technology which allows mind linkage. When a serial killer is appRead more...
Tired Serial Killer Movie
Reviewed The Bone Collector
Stars: Denzyl Washington, Angelina Jolie Support: Quuen Latifah, Michael Rooker, Mike McGlone, Luis Guzman, Leland Orser, John Benjamin Hickey, Ed O’NeRead more...
Rude, Offensive and Unfunny
Reviewed Me, Myself And Irene
The Farrelly Brothers seem to be stuck in a rut of releasing movies which try to outdo each previous offering on shock factor. Theres Something AbRead more...
A Complete No-Brainer - Great Fun!
Reviewed Gone In 60 seconds
Once again Hollywood proves that it doesn’t have an original thought in its head by once more remaking an old movie by giving it a modern twist. Gone InRead more...
The Best Metal Album Ever Made
Reviewed Master of Puppets - Metallica
This album is THE classic metal album from the 80s. At a time when bands such as Kiss, Poison, Van Halen and other limp wristed rockers were dominating the meRead more...
Reviewed Jurassic Park
Steven Spielberg movies are well known for their great special effects and blockbuster storylines and this is no exception. Based on Michael Crichtons bRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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