If you are or arent an Adam Sandler fan, go see this film. He has captivated many a pre teen boy, but now hes grown along with them and is now the dramatic actor to watch out for. And I hated him before this. Sandler: Troubled by his numerous sisters, Barry Egan is ripe for a woman who can reign his heart. Watson: First Ralph Fiennes psycho in Red Dragon, now Sandlers character in Punch Drunck Love...bad career move perhaps? Absolutely not. This is Watsons niche - quirky attractive woman that we love, and dont even need to understand her choice in men. The men she loves are the men we the audience learns to love with her.
The Film itself: This is a movie that is beyond comprehension. If you are looking for a movie that does not require thought, dont see this movie. If you are ready for an intellectual film that defies the rules and prediction, buy a ticket now! This is a romanctic comedy dramatically protrayed that deals with troubled minds, elusive love, and doing anything you could do and more for the one you love. Drama, light fun and romance, some profanity, and very high brow. This is the movie of the year. **Take a date, the film will lead to a great conversation after.