Pure-it is claimed to be the cheap source of clean water in this country where over 90% of people dont have access to clean water. Un-arguably, the product would be used by the segment that cannot afford more high-end and heavy duty water purifiers. a.k.a the middle class. I have been using Pure-it for nearly a year now and in one year, the thing I have realized is that it is a perfect example of greediness of HUL.
HUL has gone a long way to prevent its customers to use the product even for a day if the chlorine in the germ kill is over. One may argue that it is a safety feature that company doesnt want to let impure water being filtered. If that is the case, then the other two stages of the filter should also have similar cut-off or they can be considered useless. Also then HUL should allow purchase of only germkill kit separately and not force the carbon candle and polisher also on consumers along with the germkill kit.
The worst part is that company would have spent huge money to prevent consumers from using the product once battery is over but they are not ready to spend a similar amount to build an overflow prevention mechanism so that putting more water in the top container of the unit doesnt get filtered if there is sufficient water in lower unit. If more water is put, it just overflows from the top of lower unit. After-all the overflow protection is in interest of the consumers and not in interest of HUL.
As far as the after-sales is concerned, it is irritating for the least. There is an automated machine that asks questions for 5 minutes like which kit to purchase and so on and then connect to an individual to take the order who agains asks the same set of questions. I live barely a mile away from the service center so I got the kit replaced on time hence no complaints there.
Overall, I would say that it may be a source of clean water but you should be nearby HUL Pure-it service center to get timely replacements for kits. And if that is the case, you will definitely have access to other sources of water purification.