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Member Since:Aug 21, 2005
0 MS Points
Born and brought up in Delhi, I have done a Bachelors in Information Technology from Delhi University. I lived a sedate life till year 2002 when suddenly my life shifted gears from first to directly in overdrive. I went to the dream destination of most called Goa and did MBA from Goa Institute of Management From the top of the list of happening places, got shifted to other extreme called Chennai. One year in chennai followed by one year in Halifax. Currently in other side of world in Sydney and the way it is going, difficult to say where i will be even next month. I am a real moody person with extreme mood changes. I love some thing one minute and the very next minute i might give it a boot. I enjoy nature and believe that most beautiful things are created by god and not humans. I love Computers and anything that relates to technology. I like going places and am always ready for a trekking trip of a visit to jungle. I enjoy listening to music and sometimes even go to sleep(my oldest hobby) with music turned on.
About Me
Education: MBA (Goa Institute of Management)
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Cheap source of clean water (if you live in citie
Reviewed Pureit Water Purifier
Pure-it is claimed to be the cheap source of clean water in this country where over 90% of people dont have access to clean water. Un-arguably, the prodRead more...
Don't burn your money on this.
Reviewed iRiver U10
I purchased this product from Amazon after a long wait. My friends had hyped up so much about the sound quality et al of iRiver that I choose to wait for abRead more...
A mixed bag.
Reviewed Toshiba Satellite M70-P5301
I little background of my needs. I have been using a computer for over 16 years now and have spend most of my childhood in front of a computer. I am a very heRead more...
A perfect mate for a budding photographer
Reviewed Canon Digital Rebel XT
My purchase of this camera started with a choice of 3 cameras. 2 SLRs EOS350D, Olympus E500 and Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ30. It was a decision spread over a montRead more...
This is God. Let me help you
Reviewed One Night at the Call Centre - Chetan Bhagat
There are bad books, there are good books and there are amazing books. Then one day, you end up reading something that seem to have been taken out of your liRead more...
Not a phone but a style statement
Reviewed Motorola MOTO RAZR V3
There are several kind on mobile users. Some who just want a piece that allows them to communicate. These are the kind of ppl who will be satisfied with the lRead more...
A professional camera for amateur prices
Reviewed Olympus C-770
A truly professional camera allowing users to set up shutter speed and aperture manually, this camera can beat any other camera in its +20% price range hands Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on mankarni's review
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Commented on suvo.sarkar's review
Thanks suvo, Even I have heard good reviews of this lens but was interested in the price in India. This is in range of $300 outside and wanted to know whether to buy it here or wait and buy it in India if the price is comparable. Thanks for help again. Cheers Dheeraj
Commented on envyram's review
Hi buddy, gr8 review, I had a motorazr and apart from the limited memory, that phone rocks. Was looking for a phone for my bro in range of abt 4K. Looks like I will get this one. Cheers Dheeraj
Rated on envyram's review
Great review pal, Just a query regarding this Tamron Lens. I was planning to purchase a long range lens for occasions where i cannot afford to change lenses. How much did it cost you? Cheers Dheeraj
Commented on own review
You are right, this offers great quality and decent features. The only reason of not recommending is mentioned in the last statement that 400D has been launched. not that costly but overcomes two of the biggest drawbacks of this camera
Commented on csrinivaskgf's review
Hi srinivas, I agree with the resale value. I bought this for 200 GBP with memory card last year may from Amazon and the prices shot up within a month to 235 and then to 300 GBP. Although i have moved on to a DSLR now, still, everytime i take a snap from my old friend, i am always amazed at th Read More...
Hi Sunil, Thanks for the feedback. There is one more thing that i found out about this phone (only after using it for some time). I am unable to store SMS on phone memory. They just remain in the SIM card only and if you take out your sim and reinsert it, you lose all of them. Anyone knows Read More...
Arre sir, I read the preface of the book when was onsite. Couldnt find the book thr. Saw your review only and remembered that this was on my reading list so got it. In-fact, got five point someone also yesterday so from 12 - 4 this time. My reading speed is increasing :P
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