is just one of those various pyramid schemes that have crumbled down over the years. It seems legal only because it includes the "sale" of a product. However, 2 main points have to be kept in mind (1) the scheme is unethical and (2) it is unsustainable.
(1) Why Unethical?
Very simple, those who signed up first i.e. those at the top of the pyramid are certainly making a lot of "profits"... at the expense of those who sign up later i.e those at the bottom of the pyramid. The scheme does not produce anything! It just takes money from those who sign up late and give it to those who signed up early!
(2) Why Unsustainable?
Because once people stop signing on the scheme, those who signed up later would not even get their money back! Once again, the scheme is not producing anything, just taking money from one person and giving it to another. So only the top 10% of the pyramid might actually get a sort of "profit" while the 90% who signed up later would lose their money.
As history proves, (check Ponzi sheme), those scams usually last only for a few years but eventually people get fed up, realise that it is unsustainable, and stop entering it so that the scheme crumbles. I am amazed that it has already lasted for so long but before signing in remember: YOU ARE LIKELY TO BE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID = YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY.