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Member Since:Aug 23, 2007
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Even if Legal still Unethical & Unsustainable
Reviewed Quest
Quest.net is just one of those various pyramid schemes that have crumbled down over the years. It seems legal only because it includes the "sale" of a productRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sapphires's review
antonmax, has QN given any information about the creator of the biodisc? Where did he get his Dr title, to which research organisation is he affiliated etc.? Just like the fake doctor claims to be a doctor, if the potential victim does not ask for these type of information, he won't be able to diffe Read More...
ramgoolam, I could not find a better example of why people join QN. But this is the way most pyramid schemes work: by making recruiters convince their friends and families who recruit other friends. Since they are your friends, you tend to do what they say. antonmax, good point. QN gives a produc Read More...
Sorry antonmax, I do not get your logic. The first one is a typo and therefore does not count in your argument. Crediting myself? For what? I do not see why using 3 examples is equivalent to misleading others and you still haven't told me the difference between them nor why the comments are bias Read More...
Autonmax, when did I ever claim to make money from writing comments? Also can you please explain why you believe that I am stating half truths? Finally, can you please explain why you believe that I am willingly misleading others? When I claim that people who recruit for quest.net (so as to make Read More...
Rated on sapphires's review
Quest.net logic: I worked hard into convincing people to join and give money willingly = I deserve the money Fake doctors logic: I worked hard into convincing people to believe me and give me money willingly = I deserve the money Thieves logic: I worked hard into designing a plan to rob the bank Read More...
Commented on own review
bluediamonds, by your logic: hardworking quest.net members who take money from those who are further down the line deserve the money as much as a fake doctor who puts in a lot of effort into tricking people into giving him money. On the other hand, lazy quest.net members do not deserve any money as Read More...
Rated on amitflu's review
I don't agree with the argument that hard work should always be compensated with money. By this agument, it's like implying that a hard working bank robber also deserves 'earning' the stolen money since the bank robber put a lot of effort in getting the money. It depends on the type of work and on h Read More...
I don't think that Microsoft is endorsing quest.net. I think that it's just that quest.net is using a the customer reference program created by Microsoft.... It's like the millions of people using Windows and getting approval from Microsoft for using its product. But then Microsoft doesn't know what Read More...
Sure, the creators of any pyramid scheme who are trying to get money out of people are undoubtly crooks who deserve to be sued. But lets keep in mind that the majority eventually involved in the scheme are people who got tricked into thinking that the business is genuine... Afterall most of those sc Read More...
Commented on Whats_Your_Quest's review
If quest.net were a genuine business, why is it that I cannot buy the products online but need a RECOMMENDATION. So quest.net main way of getting money is not via sales but by getting more people to enter the scheme so it is a pyramid scheme! The 'products' offered are just disguises / tokens given Read More...
I am shocked at the extent to which Quest.net will go to get money out of people! This is definitely high class strategic thieving! Ok lets not get too excited, and lets try some logical thinking: 1. Correct me if I am wrong but from my understanding Quest.net's marketing strategy is to get as ma Read More...
Krisgopala, You raise a very important issue: the top liners are taking risks, working hard and have got good (I guess marketing) skills, so they deserve the money.... Now, let me use an analogy: bank robbers take risks (they can get caught), they work hard (design a methodical plan, get the equipme Read More...
Concerning the backing up of comments which you want, can you back up your own statements and explain how 'amount of wealth that will be generated for all members and a business that continually donates money and sponsors charity’s and other organisations'? From my point of view, there is no wea Read More...
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